chapter thirteen

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Hello my loves,
Sorry for the long wait, but as ya all know I've been struggling whether to keep writing or not. I'm glad I'm past that stage :)
Here goes your chap
Enjoy :))

Clarke's POV

Both of our heads shot up to the direction. The voice was deep, so I was very suprised to see a young girl. For what i could guess, she could be eleven at most. She had long blon hair, tied up in pony tail. Her leather clothes looked worn off and she looked very tired.
I've looked over to Bellamy, who raised both of his eyebrows and was wearing a dumb expression.

"And you are?" He said with annoyance in his voice. The girl flinched, she was probabely scared.I just rolled my eyes. Why is he so rude?

"I'm sorry. He ment to ask what's your name and how you got here sweetie" I told her in a sweet voice, trying to calm her down. She looked over to me and smiled a bit.

"No! I fucking ment to ask who the fuck are you in my own way" Bellamy said, raising his voice.

"Bellamy!!" I breath out. "Seriously? Shut up! She's just a small girl!"

"Yeh, and if she won't start answering my questions she will be a small girl with a knife in her throat"

Really? Does he have no discipline? The poor girl was watching us with fear. Bellamy took a step forward, so he was closer to her.

"I recommend you to start talking little girl, before I loose my remaining patience, and trust me, there is not much left, because traveling with this kind of human" he said, pointing at me " can get you quite depressed"

I couldn't see Bellamays face, but was sure he had that stupid grin on his face .

"Shut up" I shouted at him " She is just a little girl, she did nothing to you so stop acting like a fucking prick!! And I got you depressed? I ? If I got you depressed can you imagine how the hell am I felling ? Have you fucking met you?" My temper was starting to get the best of me.

"What the fuck! I can talk to her however I fucking like!! You don't get to tell me what to-" Thankfully, his rude speech was interputed by the small girl.

"I'm Claire" she spoke louder than I thought was possible for such a small lady. I raised my arms up in the air in the i-told-you-that-she-will-talk manner.
I smilled at her and she looked down, as if she was shy.

"Hello Claire" I told her. I started to walk towards her and when I was close enough I raised my hand for her to shake it.

"My name is Clarke" I told her when she reached out to grab my hand. Her palm was so small and soft that i would like to cut them and wear them around my neck.
Seriously? What the fuck? Calm the fuck down Clarke, you're starting to act like a cavemen.

"And that rude ass" I continued "is Bellamy. I truly apologize for his behavior, don't take it personally, he just doesn't like people in general so..."
I saw a small smile on her lips. I don't know why but I had the felling, that I could trust her, although I don't know her. She looked so innocent, but yet pretty dangerous.
Bellamy ran his hand thru his thick black hair and spoke again.

"If you are done talking shit" he said as he looked at me " I would like my answers" He lowered his voice and and spoke each word as a threat "Who-the-fuck-are-you"

"I-i already told you" the girl studded out "my name is Claire" she didn't looked
Bellamy in to his eyes when she spoke, but I couldn't blame her, they were filled with anger and hate, they scared me too. I realized, that I was still holding her hand but she looked like she didn't wanted me to let go.

"I know you fucking told me your name" he barked out.

Before he could continue I lost it. "Stop being so rude you dick head!!! You can ask nicely!!"

"If you will interput me again, I swear I will do things you won't like"

I opened my mouth to tell him to fuck off, but decided against it. After all i don't want him even angrier.

"Stop shouting at her" Claire's voice suddenly rang thru my ears.
Now Bellamy looked like he's gonna murder someone.
"You want me to answer your questions, not her. So stop shouting and let me speak" Claire didn't look scared any more, she looked brave.
I was quite taken back by her comeback to Bellamy. I mean, I don't know why she did it, but maybe she won't be such a scared duck after all.

"You won't speak back to me. That was the first and last time you did that, understood?" The ass said as he pointed his finger on the young girl. Her grip on my hand hand suddenly tightened, as if she was angry.

"Yes" was her only reply. I decided, that it will be better if I will stay out if this. I won't interput him, unless it will be necessary.
"What did you ment by the " its a trap thing" little girl?"

"Those cuts were made to lead you to trap, they were made to lead you to the altar"

"Altar? What the fuck us that? Where are you from?You're not from our group, aren't you?"

"No, no I am not. I was born here. This is my home" she told him in a steady voice.
Confused expression crosses Bellamy's face, mine probably too.

"What do you mean you was born here? There are other people? Survivors?"

"Yes. And they are coming for you. For all of you" With those words she droped her hand out of mine and before any of us could react, she ran away.

Hehe :)
Sorry, it's short. Adventure is coming :)
Hope you liked it :)
If you want the next chapter to be up sooner, than vote and comment :)
Did you expected someone like this or did you thought it will be some big bad guy? Was Claire a big surprise?
Love, Liz

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