chapter nineteen

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Thank you for the comments on the last chap :) they made me really happy. Here it goes :) enjoy

Clarke's POV

"There has to be an enter somewhere" I said as we began to walk.

"Yes, somewhere. But to going around this mountain may take a lot time, which we don't have by the way" Bellamy stated coldly.

"Stop being such a pessimist, we'll find it" Why is he acting like it's my fault? We were walking next to each other and I saw from the corner of my eye that he ran his hand through his hair, again. He does that quite a lot.

"I'm not pessimist, I'm just worried that this whole trip was a total waste of time! You should of get your facts straight before you brought me here." he said in a harsh tone.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what? Like you're a bitch that literally doesn't know where she's going. You were supposed to know something!! This whole trip just showed me, that you're a worthless whore!"

"Stop right this instant Blake!" I said sharply. He raised his eyebrows at me. "You're not gonna talk to me that way! I told you all I know and if that's not enough,than I'm fucking sorry, but I can't do anything about it!!" I shouted, speeding up beacuse I didn't wanted to walk next to him anymore. Why the hell is he acting like this? I just should of kept my mouth shut and let everyone starve to death, that would be the easiest and greatest option .'s too much, even for him.
He is so bipolar. One moment he is all like "I've got you babe" and the other is like "die you bitch".
I didn't got far away before he caught up to me and stood in front of me.

" Get out of my way" I whispered slowly. What is he doing? He wants to blame this on me, fine. But don't expect me to be friendly.


"Fine" I said making step to the right, trying to pass around him. Unfortunately he grabed my wrist and stopped me.

"What? What do you want?" I asked him annoyed.

He let out loud breath and murmured"I shouldn't of said that"

"No, no you shouldn't." I agreed "Bellamy.. You don't get to talk to me that way. I told you everything and I'm sorry I don't known where the eneter is but we'll find it" I said, this time softly " and I'm not here for my own pleasure or for my entertainment, don't forget I almost died five hours ago."

His eyes soften as I said the last sentence and I continued " You saved my life, I known that and I won't forget that. There isn't a way I could possibly tell you how grateful I am for what you've done but please don't blame this on me, it's-" I was cut of by his lips.

Before i could register how fast he moved, his hand found it's way to my hair and the other one around my waist, pulling me closer to his god like body. His lips melted into mine.
My hands tangled in his hair and I kissed him back like there was no tomorrow.I should slap him or I should push him away, I didn't though.. It felt right. It was the gentiles kiss I ever expirenced, and it was awesome.
His soft lips were kissing me with so much caution, as if he was afraid I will fall apart. When he pulled away he put his forehead on mine.

"I'm sorry" he whispered

"It's alright, I forgive you" I told him with a small smile on my face. It is sad how only one kiss from him can make me completely change my opinion on situation. But somehow, the kiss was all I needed right now. I wanted to pull him back and taste his lips once again, but I knew that there was no time for that. Although his words still hurt me, what happened a moment ago, made it better.

"We should get going" I whispered, trying to set free from his hold.

"No" he said with a small grin. Is he serious? We need to go.I couldn't see to his eyes because he was looking to the ground and not to me. " Let me apologize first"

What? Apologize?

As much as I wanted to hear it, we needed to get going. "I think we can't afford to lose any more time Bell...we-"
Suddenly he raised up his hand and pit it over my mouth. Really? His cavemen self is coming back? He lifted his eyes of the ground and looked straight to my own. His gaze shot through my body, as he silently watched me, I felt like he could read me. I suddenly felt like he knew every and single bit of my soul. That is how mesmerizing his stare was.

"You better let me do this Clarke" he said, warning evident in his voice " I can't even fucking remember the last time I apologized to someone and actually ment it, so you better fucking listen"

Well... I can't argue with the fact that he didn't apologize, I thought that the second I first saw him.

"I'm sorry"

Really? Is that it?

"Well that was apology of a century" I said against his hand, so it sounded more like 'wl the ws eplof cent'

His eyes flickerd with amusement and a big smile found a way on his face
"Shut the fuck up" he said chucking
"So as I said before you rudely interputed me, I'm sorry " he continued "I shouldn't of said that, it was out of place. I don't want to be mean to you, bit it's kinda hard. You're the most frustrating women I ever met and when I found out that we might spent a few more days looking for a way in, it just slipped. I'm fucking worried about Octavia because god knows what that dickhead Murphy is doing there, so I was just thinking about how I want to see her and realizing, that she will be alone in the camp for longer than I thought, made me say things I didn't actually meant."

Oh god..he's quite a poet. At this point I was feeling sorry for him, I wish that I could make this situation better, but there wasn't anything I could do, anything at all.

"I didn't meant what I said, you're actually the first girl that I like to be around "


"I're annoying and shit, but you're the first one that doesn't droll at the sight of me" he said smirking. "Maybe mentally but you're not showing it. You're not a whiny bitch and I like that. So I'm sorry for what I told you before, you're not worthless, actually, you're the exact opposite"

I was speechless. Could he actually mean all those things?

"And if you ever mention anything I just said to you, I will throw you to that hole you fell in" he said, grinning. His hand slowly slipped away from my mouth and as many things I wanted to say, I couldn't bring myself to speak. His words left so many emotions inside of me that my mind was spinning in circles.
I opened my mouth to say something but then I realized I don't know what, so I closed it again.

He chuckled and placed one open mouth kiss on my forehead "Let's get going princess, as you said, we don't have time to waste". He grabbed my hand and started walking in the direction we were originally heading.

Now I can say with a clear conscience, that I'm truly confused.


Bellamy, Bellamy, Bellamy you're getting soft :DD
Don't worry though.. Prick Bellamy, Horny Bellamy and cocky Bellamy, aren't far away ;) I'm sorry that its taking so long for them to get inside that mountain, but I personally hate rushed stories, so I better take it slow and make the story a bit more detailed :) I hope you don't mind :)

Sooo next chapter - 7 votes and 5 comments :) Hope you can make it :)

Questions- Do you think that their "close" relationship will last when they go back to the camp?

- Do you want to grounders make their appearance or should I writte a little longer just about Bellamy and Clarke?

- What do you think that Clarke feels towards Bellamy? Friend, something more, dick or an idiot? :D

Pls let me know what you think about this chapter I was kinda insecure about it, you know about softie Bellamy and all. Pls let me know in the comments :)

Love all of you, Liz

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