Chapter nine

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Hello guys :)

I posted a video up there /\ (that's supposed to be an arow up :D)
You should watch it. It's reaction of bellarke fans on some scenes. It's soooo f*ing funnyyyyyy. I mean i literally cryed out of laughter when i first saw it. There are more of them so i will post each one of them up in every chapter.




Clarke's POV

I don't know if i made a right decesion. We realy neaded to find the suplies, because if we don't, they will strave. But then there was a possibility that it was someone from our camp. No matter how much i despised them, i didn't wanted them to get hurt. It stilll did not feel right though....

"Stop ambeling so much Clarke" Bellamy called over his shoulder. He was about seven meters ahead of me. I wasn't ambeling! I was just walking slowly.. Yeah. I wasn't a sporty person. I hated runing, walking and practically everything, where you had to move. I could run pretty well, but only if i wanted too.

"Stop walking so fast then"

He stoped in his tracks and turned his head to me.

"I am walking like a snail" He sighed "And you are walking twice that slowly, so i recomend you to move your pretty little ass faster before i throw it over my shoulder"

I would want to see you try...

"I'm exhausted" I said, waving my arms around me "We've been walking for hours without a single stop! I need to rest! Not everyone is able to walk around all day without a single sign of tiredness on their pretty litle face!"

Bellamy raised his eybrows and of course- smirked.

"I must say, I'm glad you finally admited that my face is pretty" His eyes twinkeled with amusment.

"What? I..No!" I stammered out "I that the only thing you got out of that?"

He barked out a short laugh and put his hand on his chin, pretending to think about the answer.

"Yes" he answered with that stupid half smile.

I rolled my eyes. He is such a dick. We were still a few meters from each other.

"Bellamy" I sighed in exhaustion,walking towards him.


"Please, i need to sit down for a while"

"No" He dismissed me simply. His hand shot out to his eyes, rubing them.



"You know what? I don't even know why am i asking for your fucking premission! I can do what i want!"

"Clarke, i swear to god, if you sit down i will pick you up and carry you myself"

"Suit yourself" I said

He scratched his arm and came closer, still not close enough for our bodies to touch.

"I don't understand you! Why can't we sit for half an hour and then go? Is that such a big problem? You also look like you could use a rest."

I turned my head away from him. He looked terible. I mean not terible, i'm not sure if that's even possible but he looked worn out. It's like something was bothering him. He also looked like he hasn't slept for a while. Yeah Clarke..Study the enemy.

We were in the middle of the woods. I don't even know where. That is what i've been afraid of. What if we get lost? It was nice here though...I looked around and saw that this place was truly beautiful. It wasn't covered with trees, as much as bushes. There were tons of them. Red one's, white one's, blue one's...
"Wow" I breathed out
I looked over to Bellamy who was suspiciously studying his surounding. He looked weird. Heheh but than again..I don't care..heh
I walked over to one of the bushes and studied the flower.

"I never saw this one before"

"I wonder why Clarke. Ouuu wait! Maybe because you lived in fucking space" He said ironicaly.

"No...i mean.. i know most of the plants. I read almost every book about herbalism. I never saw this one" I simply smiled. I don't even know why. I just felt happy for once. Getting mental, aren't we? My inner voice spoke up.

I plucked one of the flowers and smelled it. I must say..the smell was awful. I started to cough imeddiatelly.

"Let's get going Clarke, i don't like this place" Bellamy said, looking me straight in the eye.

"Why don't you like it? Too girly for you?" I asked, teasing him.

" It just reminds me of something. Let's go" Spark of sadness flickerd in his eyes. He turned on his heal and started to walk away.

"Bellamy wait" I called out. He didn't stop, how fucking rude. I ran after him. See that? I ran.

When i cought up to him i stopped right before him. His eyes looked like they were made out of glass. His expression almost painful. What the hell is this about? Fucking hell..I was starting to feel something..pity maybe? Is that even possible?
Pity your enemy Clarke, go ahead. Wipe away his tears when they fall out. He will kill you later. Right after he gets past this mood. My inner voice whispered.
I looked up to his face and saw nothing. That was the thing that was scaring me. There was always something. Amusment, smirk or that half amile of his. Now it was empty. He suddenlly rolled his eyes and walked past me. I cought his arm and turned him around.

"What is this about Bellamy? What's wrong?"

"Nothing" he spat at me. He wiggled out of my hold an started walking again. Not happening! Fuck what is it?
Before he could make a second step I reached out for him. My hand locked firmly around his wrist. His head shot up to my direction.

"Let-go-of-my-arm" he slowly said. Taking his time to pronounce every word with anger and threat.

I wasn't going to react on the look he was giving me, because if Iooks could kill, I would be ten feet under the ground by now. He started to move his arm, wanting to get out of my hold. But I'm not gonna let him go. We will spend at least another seven days together, so I might also know what's bothering him.

"Stop!" I shouted at him, implying for him to stop moving his arm from side to side.
"Talk to me damit! What's wrong?" I asked him in a softer tone this time.

"I don't have to tell you shit" he fired at me.

"We will be together for next few days so I suggest you...."
I couldn't finish my sentence. I started to feel sick all of a sudden. My head started to hurt, no not hurt. It felt like it's going to explode. My vision started to spin and I felt like I will throw up. What the hell?

"Clarke? Clarke? Hey,hey,hey what's wrong?" Some concerned voice asked from far away.
I was to weak to reply. My knees gave away. I started to fall to the ground. Something cought me though....
Before I could open my eyes to meet my mystery saviour, everything went black.


Hehe :)
Hello lovelies :)
What ya thinking?
What do you think is wrong with Clarke? Or more importantly what is wrong with Bellamy? Or is he being just his usual moody self? He he he I know that and you don't -_-  I'm so fucking funny that it hurts.
Who was the mystery saviour? (Jesus I'm so lame :|)
I will give you a hint. He's sexy, muscular, arrogant,cocky and every each one of us would like to have sex with him.
Any thoughts? :D

Love and hate

Omg -_-
Just copying Mrs Pierce :D I love that scene by the way :D Is anyone watching TVD?


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