So, Basically I'm Me.

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Okay, so my name's Olivia. I'm 16 years old and lets just say, I'm not that popular. No, I'm not a loner because I have friends. Well, only one friend, Anastasia. She's the school fashionista and she is dying to give me a makeover. I'm not beautiful but I'm not ugly either. I have black hair and bangs that are so long that cover my green eyes. I usually wear dark loose clothing. Today, Ana invited me to a concert. She said that if I went she would buy me my favorite band's new CD so I agreed. But she never said there were perks.

"You will come straight to my house after school and I will give you a makeover." She smiled. I pulled my bangs, which I do only when I'm exasperated.

"Wait, what? You never mentioned a makeover! You lied to me!"

"Ah ah ah! I didn't lie to you. You didn't ask if there were perks so it cant be classified as lying." She was grinning like crazy and it was pushing my buttons. Big time.

"Fine!"  After school we walked to her house where she literally gave me a whole detox. I showered at her house and she wouldn't let me put on my own clothes. She curled my hair and pinned my bangs back. She made me wear a white ruffle dress and a green oversized cover up with silver gladiator sandals. Supposedly perfect for a spring Miami night. She even did my makeup against my own will. We got to the arena and I realized I didn't know who was performing. We payed for our tickets and when they openned the doors I was pushed and I tripped and fell. While I was trying to get up, I was kicked on the side of my head. Pitch black.

I don't know how long I was out. The next time I openned my eyes, I didn't recognize where I was. My hand instantly jumped to my pocket. Damn.. My phone wasn't there. I stood up and headed to the door but before I could open it, I heard a boy's voice in the other room.

"Alex, I found a girl at the concert. She was knocked out and wasn't responding so I ordered security to bring her to my house and I brought a doctor here. She hasn't woken up yet. Dude, she's beautiful. I'm gonna check on her."  I heard his footsteps approaching and he openned the door.

"Oh, you're up. Alex, dude, I gotta go. Catch you later." He hung up.

" Who are you? Where am I? What Happened?" I immediately asked.

"Woah, relax! You just woke up and you're already asking too many questions," he laughed. The boy standing before me was handsome. Hazel eyes, white perfect smile and tall. "You sure you don't know who I am? You did go to the concert after all." 

"Oh, well I was just accompanying my friend who never really told me who was the performer." He laughed once more. Oh God.

"Well, my name's Austin, Austin Mahone. You're at my house and you got knocked out. Do you feel okay? What's your name?" he asked. He truly looked concerned.

"My name's Olivia, Olive for short. Yeah, I'm okay. Did you by any chance find my phone?" I asked. I needed to let Ana know I was okay so she wouldn't freak out.

"Oh, yeah. I'm amazed that survived the rampage." I giggled. Wait, I never, NEVER giggle. What's wrong with me?!

"Thanks. I need to call my mom and my friend. you know, so she won't call 911."

'Oh, Yeah sure. I'll be in the living room if you need me." he said as he walked out. I instantly dialed Ana's number.

"Oh my goodness Olive! Thank God you're alive. Where are you? I couldn't find you anymore after we started to walk into the arena." She said without taking any breaks.

"Ana, relax I'm okay. I'm at this guy Austin Mahone's house. I'm alive. Did you call 911 on me?"I don't think she heard all of it. She started screaming when I said Austin Mahone.


" Ouch! Ana, relax. He brought me to his house. see you tomorrow." I hung up on her before she could say anything else or even worse, ask for me to get her an autograph. I dialed my mom and she sounded really worried.

"Oh honey, I'm glad you're okay! Where are you so I can pick you up."

"I really don't know mom. Give me a second," I walked out of the room and headed to the living room. Austin was sitting on the couch, eating an apple. He finally noticed me come in. 

"Hey, What's your address so my mom can pick me up?" I asked him. He looked a bit disappointed I asked. He told me the street names. "Oh, My Goodness....." 

"Whats wrong?" Austin asked me. 

"I live all the way on the other side of Miami. It would take her hours to get here. Ughh.." 

"Well, you can stay here in my house for the rest of the day if you want. That way you wouldn't have to  go through hours of  traffic." I smiled. 

"Okay, let me make sure it's alright with my mom," i went back to the room " Hey mom?" 

"Yes? where are you?" 

"I'm on the other side of Miami but Austin is letting me stay in his house for the day. Can I please? It would be a dream come true." Hey! I wanted to stay at his house! He was cute alright! My mom stayed silent for a minute. 

"Alright. you can stay. But tomorrow morning you will have to call me first thing!" I almost squealed.

"Alright Mom. Thanks. Bye, Love you!" I hung up and headed to the living room to tell Austin. 

"What did your mom say?" he asked immediately after I stepped through the doorway. 

"She said I can stay." He smiled. 

"Thats great. Want to go to dinner with me?" now it was my turn to smile.

"Absolutely. Where to?" he said it was a surprise and he took me into the night.

'Where are you from?" I asked Austin.

"I'm originally from Texas but I feel in love when I came to Miami. What about you?"

"I've lived in Miami all my life. Never really traveled, unless you count Orlando."  he smiled at me. He stopped the car and opened the door for me. Gentleman: Check!

"Welcome, to Giordano's!" I laughed.

"Fancy." i said teasingly. Taste for pizza, Check!

"come on, lets get a table." he took my hand in his and led me to a table in the far back. He took out the chair for me and sat really close to me.

"So, why did you inviting me here?" I asked him.

"I want to make up to you the fact that you were almost killed in one of my concerts. and I think you are amazing." He said through a wink. I could feel myself start to blush.

"Well, I don't really know much about you apart from the fact that you are originally from Texas, your name's Austin, and you love the color red. " I said pointing out his outfit and his car.

"Oh, well, i guess you know ALOT about me." he said teasingly. I faked a frown. He stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend-" Now it was MY turn to crack up.  he looked confused then, he started laughing with me. We talked and ordered our food, then talked then ate, then talked some more. I had alot of fun. and it got better when we got to his house again.....

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