Midnight Memories

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We silently drove to the agreed Giordano's, which just so happened to be the same one he took me to on, what I call, our first date. I hicipped every now and then. Thank goodness I didn't wear eyeliner or mascara today. I just went with foundation and blush.

We got to the Giordano's and sat down to order.

"So, how long have you two been dating?" Camilla asked. If we weren't in a public place, I would've slapped her.

"We have been dating for about 6 months, give or take a few days." Alex answered. I smiled at him and nodded. She better no-

"Well, Austin and I have been dating off and on for a while." Camilla replied. Yeah, thanks everyone here wants to hear that....

"We just haven't made it official yet." Austin added, as if that would make the situation less awkward. Good try Ameezy...

"I don't want to rush into making it public." Camilla said. Another punch to the gut.

"No need to make it public so soon, right?" Austin glanced at me. My breath hitched in my throat. Thank god the waiter showed up. I was literally ready to stab either one of them with my fork.

"We'll have a pepperoni deep dish pizza please." Austin ordered.

"I'll have a salad." Camilla added.

"Why not the pizza?" Austin asked his eyebrows furrowing.

"Too many carbs. Oh my god Austin, do you know how bad that would ruin my diet?!" She nearly screeched. I had to try REALLY hard not to burst out laughing.

"Well, Alright. suit yourself." Austin grumbled.

"I love that he's so understanding about things." Camilla directed towards me.

"You don't have to tell me these things, I dated him before I know what he likes, how he sleeps, and I can see way more than you can if you think Austin is totally fine with you just dissing his favorite food. Now, if you will excuse me, I can't stand to see Austin and you mock me any longer so I'm out of here." I stood up and speedwalked out the door.

"Olive! Olive! Come back, Wait!" I heard Austin call after me. Tears were streaming down my face. I started runnning. Running away from Austin, From Alex, from Camilla and from the pain this day has brought along onto me. I didn't even know where I was running to. I just know that somehow I ended up at the beach. I took off my shoes and walked along the shore. I was just in time to catch the sunset. I remembered everything Austin and I had done when we were together. The laughs, The smiles, the surprises the and most importantly, kisses we shared on this very beach.

It seemed like yesterday I had asked him why he chose me on this very same beach....

"Austin, why me?" I asked, although I had already asked him before.

"Because you are amazing.." He said, once again...

"No, Austin. Really.... Why?" I replied, looking at him in the eyes. He sighed and sat up.

"Because, you were yourself the moment you talked to me. You didn't act differently around me, like everyone else. You showed me you were just a normal girl. Normality is what I was looking for. I find it attractive." I know this might sound weird now, but It was super sweet. He was attracted to normality. He might as well fall in love with a rock...

"So, you think my normality is attractive? I asked sitting up. "Thats it?"

"yes, and NO! Thats not all! You're beautiful, funny, charming, polite, and just everything I've ever wished for in a girl! You're perfect to me." He said taking my hand. I smiled and leaned in.

I sobbed and sobbed until I felt myself start losing my voice.

"How, How did things go so wrong? What did I do wrong?" I whispered pulling my knees up to my chest.

"I can answer that." I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around to find Austin standing there looking as perfect as ever. The wind was blowing his hair in all these different directions. He looked perfect. I stood up and turned away. This was too painful for me.

"Austin, please go away. I can't stand to see you mock me with Camilla any longer."

"What, you think it's easy for me to see you with my best friend? Well think again babe, because it isn't." Austin grumbled. I turned to look him in the eye.

"What happened then? What made you leave me like that? So unexpectedly and rudely." I asked. He looked away and at the waves.

"I never told you how good you look now. Time has done magic on you." He said, taking my cheek in his right hand.

"Answer my question or so God help me I'll make sure you never see me again." My voice cracked.

"I saw you in pain all the time. And I couldn't stand to know that that pain was all my fault. So I saw only one solution; for me to leave. I told Alex to watch over you and make sure you didn't get hurt." Austin was crying softly.

"Did you really not know that that pain you caused me when you left, was WORSE than any pain I had ever encountered? Why did you expect Austin? For me to be alright with you leaving again? For me to quickly get over the one I love? No Austin, I didn't get over you. And I'm so stupid for thinking you were going to come back for me." I cried pulling away from him. My cheek burned from his touch.

" Olive, it wasn't easy for me to make that decision. I hated myself for months on end for treating you like that. I love you Olive and I'm sorry for everything I've had to put you through." He looked at me with tears still in his eyes. I collapsed on the sand sobbing.

"Don't leave me Austin. please don't." I whispered hoarsely. He kneeled next to me and snake his arms around me.

"Never again. I promise."

A/N: Alright guys, this is the last chapter of my story and it has been an emotional journey. I never thought I would finish it and I would like to dedicate this chapter to one of my favorite people on wattpad. She was there for me when I needed help and shes a wonderful person in real life. She might not be reading this buuuuuuuut it's alright. It's the thought that counts. anyway, thank you to all the wonderful human beings out there reading my story. Until next time. I love you all. and let me know what you think.



Laugh :)

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