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I woke up in the morning and found Austin had left. In his place was a red rose and I recalled everything from the previous night. He was gentle, sweet, and careful. I started smiling and I put on some shorts and a shirt. I was a little sore. I walked around the room to see if I was limping. After a while,  stopped limping and I just went downstairs. 

"Hey mom." I greeted her as soon as I saw her. 

"Morning sunshine bright! How's my green bean today?" She replied. 

"Good! I've never slept better. The new mattress is really paying off." I said. I had forced her to buy me a  new mattress when we moved. It was a good cover-up. Austin was careful not to leave any obvious visable marks on me. 

"Thats good honey. Money well spent. I bought you some clothes yesterday." 

"Mom, you shouldn't have bothered. That shopping spree was for you." I grin. 

"well, too bad. I already bought it. Here." She handed me a bag from Hollister. I smiled. 

"Thanks mom." I hugged her and ran to my room. I was running and I got a sharp pain. I yelled out. 

"Olive? Are you alright?" My mom called out. 

"Y-Yeah mom! I j-just hit my toe.." I called back, speed walking to my room. I closed the door and sighed. I looked in the bag and saw all the clothes. They were really nice. I looked at my phone and noticed Austin hadn't called yet... I called him instead. 

"hey Olive!" He answered. 

"Hey! Why haven't you called? you promised to call me as soon as-" I started saying. 

"Olive, I have to go alright? Call you later." He interrupted. He immediately hung up. I didn't even get to say bye. I tried to shake it off but part of me started freaking out. Why didn't he let me finish? Why didn't he explain where he was? I went on the Internet to read so I could forget about it for now. 

It wasn't long before my mom called me down to lunch. We ate and I asked her how her day at the spa was. 

"It was very good. So relaxing. Michele was telling me that they were going to go to Disney world. She invited me. I told her we would love to." 

"Cool mom! the last time we went, I was..... hm mm..... 4?" 

"Five honey. You were five." 

"Oh, right... sorry." I finished eating and I washed the dishes. I went back upstairs and my phone rung. I ran to it, hoping it was Austin but it was Ana instead. 

"Oh.... Hey.." I answered. 

"Jeez.... Thanks for the enthusiasm... What's wrong?" 

"Austin hasn't called and he said that about 3 hours ago." I sighed. 

"Relax... He'll call. I just wanted to ask about yesterday night. So? How did it go?" She grinned. 

"Well.... It was very romantic. He was sweet, gentle and just so careful. It was the best night of my life." I squealed. 

"I'm so proud of you! Well, you took a big step and now you and Austin are closer than ever!" She exclaimed. 

"Yeah... But I feel everything is going to change... Drastically...... not for the better good though..." 

" You're just being paranoid. Relax... Maybe a nap will help." 

" yeah... probably... Well, I'll try taking that nap.. Call you later." I hung up and lay down for a much needed nap. When I woke up, It was about 6 in the afternoon.. I instinctively checked my phone. No calls. Just one text from Alex. 

Alex: Hey Babe.... There you go. His text wasn't even meant for me. It was for Ana... I just deleted it and went down. My mom left food on the counter and a note. Olive, here's dinner. I'll be back late. I'm off to work. I was alone once again. I took my plate and watched TV. I wanted to call Austin but, I didn't want to sound like an over protective girlfriend. I ate and I tried to entertain myself with something. Halfway through the 3rd episode of Criminal Minds, I felt nauseous. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I started freaking out... 

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