Another Excuse...

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"Olive, the plane.. Olive, we have to go." Austin was lightly shaking me.

I opened my eyes and we went to the gate. we got on and I was shaking the whole time.. As the plane took off Austin held my hand and kissed me softly.

"It'll be alright. Just wait and see." he whispered in my ear.


" Would you rather buy the biggest skittle in the world and give it away or smell the skittle and not find it?" I asked. We were at his house, putting my things away. We were going to leave in 2 days for New York. He had a charity concert that he had to perform at and I was going to accompany him. I started playing a game of Would You Rather....? just to pass the time.

"Olive, do you enjoy torturing me?" He asked me.

"No, just to see you struggle." I pecked his lips.

He sighed. I could see his gears turning inside his perfect head.

"I would prefer the big skittle idea. I prefer seeing other people happy..." He smiled.

"Oh, you feel charitable.." I laughed. I put the big bear in the corner of the room.

"You still have that?" Austin asked. After I lost my memory, my mom took everything that would remind me of Austin away and put it in a big storage compartment. Before I left she gave everything back.

"Duh! Anything you gave me, I kept!" I exclaimed. He smiled.

"Hoarder.." He whispered.

"What was that? Sorry I think I heard wrong. Did you just call me a hoarder?" I walked up to him. He put his arms around me.

"What if I did?" he asked mischievously.

"In that case scenario, You would be sleeping in the living room. And you wouldn't get any of this." I whispered seductively in his ear.

"Hmm.. Tempting..." he said slowly..

"So did you?" I asked, playing with his hair.

Austin just looked at me, picked me up and placed me on the bed. He kissed me tenderly but passionately. I kissed back and took my sweater and shoes off. He took his beanie off and his shirt. This was gonna be good. I was about to kiss him again when I rolled over so I was on top.

"So, u telling the truth yet or are you going to wait?" I asked, taunting him.

"I did call you a hoarder. But I'm sorry." he did his puppy-dog eyes. I French kissed him. After a few minutes, I came up for air.

"See, that was all you had to say." I closed the blinds on the window and locked the door.

A/N: sorry for the slowest update ever. I suffered a terrible writers block and then high school started and I was extremely busy. irk if I should continue or not. Please let me know from your comments and votes. I have a Twitter account if anyone would like to follow me. It's @Dayana_Mahone11. Message me if you have any ideas or suggestions on what to do next.  I'm running short on ideas. Thank you so much!

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