Promoting Promises

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When I woke up in the morning, Austin wasn't next to me anymore. I sat up abruptly and saw him laying on the floor on the sleeping bag. Ha...... He kept his promise. I stood up, tiptoed to where he was, and jumped on him.

"AHHH! Wha-Wha just happened?" He called, startled. I started cracking up. He looked at me and cracked a smile.

"You should look at your face! Oh my Goodness, I'm dying!" I exclaimed. He laughed then started tickling me.


"How do you like being attacked randomly, huh!?" He asked laughing too..

"AUS-AUSTIN! I-I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! STOP!" I yelled, almost crying. He let go of me and we laughed together for a little while. I looked at him and smiled. he looked back and kissed my cheek.

"Morning kiss..... Sunshine Bright..." he whispered grinning.  I blushed and stood up. I let my hair out of the rather messed up braid. It had gotten wavy overnight. "Wow, you are perfect." Austin exclaimed sitting up. I shook my head, smiling. What a liar.... I looked dead...

"Stop lying." I smiled, opening my closet. I took out the pencil skirt and a long sleeve pink tight shirt that Austin had bought me yesterday.

"Why so fancy?" he asked standing up.

"Ummmm, church? Then we go out for breakfast. If you don't want to come you don't have to." I said discreetly wrapping my underwear and my bra in the shirt then wrapping that in a towel.

"Well, I usually go with my mom... I can tell her to come and our parents meet! How is your dad?" He asked me. I stopped smiling and looked away. I didn't know if I was going to tell him....

"H-He, umm, he left my mom and me... He never came back." I replied, sitting on my bed.

"Oh... I'm sorry. I feel your pain... My dad died when I was very little. I didn't even meet him." Austin said looking down at the floor. I looked at him, Stood up and hugged him.

" I'm sorry. Thank you for telling me..... Come on. Lets get ready for church then. I'll ask my mom about inviting your mom." I let him go and ran downstairs with my clothes in my hand.

"Morning Sunshine Bright! How's my Green Bean today?" my mom exclaimed after seeing me run in the door.

"I'm perfect mom! how are you?" I asked, out of breath.

"I'm fine. What's up?"

"Can Austin's mom come to church with us? That way you two can meet." I asked.

"humm... You're right. I do want to meet Austin's mom..... Alright. She can come if she wants to." My mom replied.

"okay. I'm going to tell Austin then I'm going to shower. Thanks Mom!" I exclaimed running up the stairs. I was running up the stairs when I heard Austin on the phone,

"Alex, dude you gotta come along with my mom. You need to meet her friend, and her. They are really pretty...... Yeah. I'll call my mom and tell her to bring you along...... Wait for her to call you..... okay... catch you later." He hung up. I pretended to cough and I waited about a minute before I walked inot the room.

"So, My mom says you can invite your mom for church and brunch. Do you mind if I shower first?" I asked him, trying to show no clues that I had just overheard his conversation with Alex. He shook his head and I headed off.

After I showered I changed and put rollers in my hair (I know, totally old school), and I dried my hair. As I let it out of the rollers, I pinned one side up and put my outfit on. I borrowed some of my mom's make-up and put it on. I was inexperienced so I kinda messed up... I decided to put it aside and leave myself at a natural look. I walked out and Austin was in my room. The door was wide open and his back was to the door. He was looking at a book...... Not just any book.... My photo album. It was in my closet behind all of my shoes. I rarely took it out since it had pictures of my dad and I didn't like to remember him much. It caused me to feel pain and cry nonstop.

"What-What are you doing?" I asked looking at him. He turned around, clearly surprised.

"I-I was, looking at your pictures..." he responded

"And where did you get that? Where you looking through my stuff?" I interrupted. I looked at my closet, which was also slightly open and I remember clearly closing it.

"I-I was looking through your stuff. I'm sorry. Its just, I saw it sticking out from behind your shoes and it was quite colorful and conspicious compared to all of your dark clothing." he answered. I walked up to him and snatched it away. I put it back where it was and closed the closet door.

"Why? Why did you take it? its clearly not yours so you had no right to take it." I whispered angrily. I looked at him directlyin the eyes and tried to stay mad at him.

"actually I can ask you a similar question. Why were you eavesdropping on my conversation? Why hadn't you told me all these things?" He asked me smuggly.

"Because I care! And I don't know how you would take it all in." I yelled.

"I Love you! I will accept anything that happened in the past because all I care about is ther future. Our future. Together." He yelled. I stepped back , startled at his tone of voice. "Please, just don't hold any secrets from me. I love you. I don't want anything unexpected to happen to you, me, or most inportantly, us." he said opening his arms. I walked into his warm embrace.

"I promise not to keep any secrets from you." I whispered.

"And I promise to love you forever and not keep any secrets from you." I smiled because I knew he kept his promises.....

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