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"Olivia, I had to leave for L.A. like, an hour ago without notice. I barely had time to pack. I'm going to L.A. to start my summer tour. "

"You left me... How dare you..."  I cried.

" Olivia, You have to understand-"

"Understand what? That you left your girlfriend behind without even saying goodbye or even calling or texting? Yeah, I don't understand that! The only thing I understand is that you are a stupid selfish asshole! That it!"

"What's it?!" Austin yelled. it took me by surprise but I kept my composture.

" We're it! Its over! You didn't even care to send me a small text explaining why you hadn't called or what was going on!"

"So this is what you want? For it to be over?" He whispered.

"Apparently, you're better off without me. You don't need me and I don't need you!"

"Fine! You asked for it!"

"Until never!" I hung up and handed Alex his phone. I was shaking. At first with anger, then I started crying and collapsed on the beanbag.

"Olive, it'll be alright... Shh..." Alex came over and hugged me, stroking my hair.

"He's gone.... It's, It's over...." I kept crying. I tried to push him away. He held on, tightly.

"Olive, its not all over. You have Ana. And me." I kept trying to push Alex away but in one of those he kissed me. I wasn't very surprised. I shoved him away so hard he fell back on his butt.

"I'm, I'm sorry. I can't do this..." I ran out of my room and out of the house. I kept running, not seeing where I was going, straight into a car........




I woke up in a hospital bed....... I didn't know much of what was going on. I saw my mom and Ana. One guy I didn't recognize... He was holding my hand along with Ana.

"Mom? What happened?" My voice was raspy, as if I hadn't used it for a really long time.

"You've been in a coma for 3 months." She said as her voice cracked.


"It's all my fault..." The boy said.

"Who are you?" I asked.... The boy went extremely pale and Ana started crying and hugging him, telling him it would be fine, over and over again.

"Honey, you remember your name?" my mom asked me.

"Yeah, my name's Olivia Carnation. why?"

"What's the last thing you remember?" She asked me, wiping away some tears.

"I remember falling at a concert.... that's it. then, I woke up here." I replied. Everyone was crying. except for me.

"She doesn't remember him nor you." Ana cried into the boy's arms.

"Mom, what's going on?"

"You lost your memory." My mom cried. 

So, Basically I'm Me.Where stories live. Discover now