Another Moment...

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I had been wondering where Austin had gone. He didn't come back. It had been 2 hours. I sat up on my bed and stared at my hands, thinking back to what Austin had said earlier. There was a part of me that was scared. and there was a part of me that said, He'll come back. He always does. you have nothing to fear. He loves you too much.

Then the other part would jump in and say, It happened last time. He left you. And it can happen again.

These thoughts weren't the best thing to dwell on. They can hurt me and make me do something crazy. I still felt somewhat loopy from the sedative. I didn't want to sleep though. I was afraid Robert would find me again. There, I said it. I said his name without having tears spring to my eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows. This wasn't normal. Maybe seeing some of it happen made me less afraid. Made me realize that a dream is a dream and that it can't hurt me in real life.

I was hungry and I was alone. I doubt I can withstand this silence any longer. I called the nurse with the little button next to my bed. Minutes later, she showed up at the door.

"May I help you?" She asked me. I nodded, somewhat smiling.

"I'm hungry and I would like to know if anyone is waiting to see me. I'm somewhat lonely and I had been waiting for someone." I shifted on the bed. My ass was asleep...

"I'll bring you some food straightaway and I'll check on your request." She smiled sweetly and walked out. I turned on the television in the room and waited.

About 10 minutes into the 2nd episode of Malcolm in the Middle, The nurse walked in with a tray of food and a note on there. She set it down and walked out. I called out a thank you and ate, putting the note aside to read after I had finished eating.

I eyed the note while cleaning my hands on the napkin the hospital had provided. It looked tempting. I thought, Maybe It's from Austin! I should open it... So, I did.. and what I found was from Anyone but Austin. Alex himself.


I am waiting outside of the door and the nurse won't let me in. I want to see you and talk. Don't ask questions, just let me in and I will explain what I can to you...

Love forever and always, Alex

I teared up... The nurse suddenly walked in and I told her to let Alex in. I had to see him and he did ask to see me, so might as well.

Alex walked in, looking much different than the last time I saw him. He had shorter hair and looked somewhat older. I smiled softly when I saw him.

"Olive, It's nice to see you again. How are you feeling?" He immediately asked, concerned.

"I've been better. How are you and Sarah doing?"

"Her and I broke up. We just weren't working out anymore." He frowned slightly. I nodded.

"Sorry to hear that. And Austin? Has he talked to you?" I asked. I was anxious to know what he was doing it where her was in general.

Alex was looking down at his phone reading something. I waited patiently.

"Olive, you should call Austin." He said out of the blue. I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"Why?" I asked.

"You just should." He handed me his cell phone and I dialed Austin's number. It has been on speed dial ever since I can remember...

"Hello?" Austin called.

"Austin, hey, its Olive. Alex told me to call you.."

"yes, Alright. He's with you right?" He asked.

"Yes. Is everything alright? You sound a little distracted.."

"Olive, I love you alright? Just always remember that..." He said softly.

"Yes, I'll remember that. How can I forget? I love you just as much, if not more." I laughed lightly.

"Olive, you make this hard on me.. I'm going back to the house to get some things. I'll call you later alright?" He said sadly.

"Umm, sure, I guess so. Yeah. I'm staying overnight so, call me at the hospital..." I frowned. I could hear him shuffling around on the other line.

"Yeah, bye Olive."

And that was the first of many times Austin said Bye to me. He would continue to say bye. Slowly and then all at once...

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