Love and Goodbyes Don't Mix..

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It had been 1 year since I had last seen Austin. Alex had been here for me and was never away. Austin on the other hand, always was. He was always finding ways of avoiding me or as he liked to call it, be busy. One day, we both mutually called it off. I had been falling for Alex and I told him.

It was always so unusual when we would end our calls. I would always say later, at first. But then, He would say bye everytime and it caught on to me and soon enough, I was saying bye also...

I was a faithful nonbeliever in the word Bye. I hated it with all my heart. It gave me a feeling that it was a way of finally letting that person go...

After our breakup, we mutually agreed to stop talking. Alex somehow always was away on the phone with someone. I wouldn't say anything because I didn't want to be thought of as nosy...

We had already been dating for 6 months. Alex and I, that is. He was always there for me and I totally appreciated that. Now that I come to think about it, Austin was never there when I needed him the most. If there was anything I'm more appreciative of than Alex at the moment. 

Austin was rather quick at moving on. I started hearing about Camilla and him. At first I freaked out. I hated her with all my heart. But slowly I accepted his decision. I mean, why bother? It wasnt like he was in my life anymore. As some may say... Sloppy Seconds.

Well, it was another lazy Friday afternoon and I was getting ready to go on a date with Alex. I was putting on my lip gloss when my phone rang. I ran to answer it and tripped on a dress that I had foolishly left on the floor. I cursed and got up grabbing my phone on the last ring. 

"Yellow." I answered, rubbing my shin. 

"Hey, Oli, I'm outside. Just thought I'd let you know. You know, since you take forever to get out of the house." He laughed. I smiled.

"Haha haha, very funny Alex. You can't be complaining because you know its worth the wait. I'm on my way. See you in a bit." I teased, grabbing my clutch from the hanger behind my door. I ran down the stairs and out the front door. As recently stated, Alex was waiting out in front of te house in his car. I laughed and got in the car. 

"Worth the wait." Alex chuckled.

"Told ya so." I nudged his shoulder. He simply shook his head and drove off. We had agreed to go to the movies and watch the next show for any movie playing. We had never done this before and since it was an item on my bucket list, he had agreed to help me cross that one out. As We arrived at the theater, he started looking a bit uneasy. 

"Alex, Are you okay? You're looking a bit green." I nervously chuckled. 

"Oli, you have to promise to not get mad when I tell you something." 

"Um, alright.. Okay, I won't get mad." I furrowed my eyebrows. This guy was scaring me. 

"I found out Austin was going to be in town so, um, I invited him to come along with us." 

"As a third wheel?" 

"Well...." And literally, as soon as he took another breath to say another word, I heard the door open. I turned my head to see who it was. 

Great, speak of the devil and he shall appear....


Camilla?! This asshole wasn't talking about third wheeling, he was talking about a DOUBLE DATE. 

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