Declaration: Acceptance

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We walked down the street, together. My hands were around my elbows, hugging myself. We walked in silence. it was getting kinda awkward... so I decided to start a conversation.

"Why did you come all the way here? Just for a walk?" I teased. He smiled and stopped walking. We were in front of a bench. He sat down and told me to sit down. I stared at him suspiciously.

"Nothing bad, I promise...." he laughed. I sat down. "I actually came to see you. I missed you. The moment you left me, I felt empty..."

"Wait, you felt that too?" I asked quietly. He smiled softly and took my hand.

"Yes, I did. I wanted to call you but I didn't feel that would be enough... I decided to come visit you." I grinned.

"That is the sweetest thing a guy has ever done. And the first and only." I whispered looking away shyly. He took my chin in his hand and turned my head to look at him directly in his eyes. 

"Olive, it is an honor. But you never told me I was the only guy.. why?" he asked me delicately. I sighed. I didn't like to talk about it much...

"A-a few years back.... a boy tried to, he tried to get me to, to have a relationship with him... He wouldn't let me leave. Ana and I were at a party that day.  The boy, H-He almost raped me," I had to pause to get a breath. I was almost sobbing. "  Ana knocked on the door and I screamed for help. The boy climbed out the window and I ran to open the door for Ana. I moved a few neighborhoods away. I used to live next to Ana. I now try to get as less attention drawn to me as possible." I wiped away the tears and sniffled. Unexpectedly, Austin pulled me into a hug. It really surprised me.

"I'm really sorry.... I never guessed it..." We separated and he held me hand. "Olivia, I want to ask you something.." Duh.... You used my real name and you never do that...

"Shoot." I nodded.

"I-I want to get to know you way better. And I was asking myself if maybe you would, umm, be my Girlfriend.." he studdered. Wow.... he was really shy. I was speechless.. And apparantly I was supposed to say something. 

"If it's too much for you, I can wait-" He started saying.

"No! No! Yes!"

"Wait, no yes as in 'no I dont want to be your girlfriend and yes it's too much' or 'yes, i want to be your girlfriend and no its not too much'?" he asked, clearly concerned. I laughed.

"Yes, I want to be your girlfriend, and No, its not too much." I smiled. He grinned wide and stood up, pulled me up, and twirled me around.

"Thank you so much." He whispered when he put me down. I kissed his cheek and held his hand. We went to the ice cream shop, I got cookies 'n' cream, and he got cookie dough.  As we walked back home I got a sudden thought- Did my mom know? And if she didn't how would she take this?

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