The Park...

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When I got to the park, I got out and Alex was starting to get out of the car.

"I need to do this alone..." I said. He nodded and he got back into the car. I walked to the swing set and sat down. I lookd up at the sky and sighed.

"Ana, I wanted to say a proper goodbye, here since... this is where we met; Where you saved me. I can't believe that we were only little girls when that happened..."

It was a clear October day. I was sitting at the swings when i felt someone push me. I lost my balance and fell off the swing.

"Haha! Wierd girl fell off!" A blond pretty girl screamed from behind me. I turned to look at her. She wasn't alone. I touched my lip, which I had bit during the fall.

"Please.. I don't want any trouble." I said standing up looking at the floor. I turned around to walk away and I bumped into a boy.

"We don't either. Now we want to get rid of it!" The girl pulled my hair. I cried and a boy kicked my shin.

"HELP!" I screamed. I fell to the floor. They started kicking me and spitting down on me. I cried and screamed but they only kicked harder.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Someone screamed. They stopped and turned. A girl taller than them pushed through and helped me up. "I'm going to help you."

"Thank you." I managed in a raspy voice. We walked away and she looked back. 

"If you ever hurt her again, you'll deal with me first." She gave them a death stare. We walked towards a tree far away in the distance. " Are you alright?" 

"No..." I cried.

"Don't worry, I'll never let no one hurt you ever." She said, hugging me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Your friend forever."

I tear up everytime I remember that. Now that she's gone, I don't know what I'll do.

"Ana, I know you can hear me now. You're up there with everyone else that did good in this life. I just want to let you know that I will never forget you and that we will stay friends. Forever." I got off the swing, wiping my tears away. Parents, little kids, and vendors looked at me and walked away quickly. I got back in the car and Alex hugged me. My mom smiled at me and we headed home. I fell asleep and I had a dream......

Ana and I were talking, holding hands and running around. At one point we went to a field full of flowers.

"Olive, I want to show you something."

"What?" I laughed.

"Your past. The past you forgot." She touched my cheek and I was hit with memories.


I Immediate woke up, gasping and coughing. Alex freaked and carried me into the house. I finally regained composture and looked at him.

"I want to see Austin." I said........

So, Basically I'm Me.Where stories live. Discover now