A Whole New Faucet...

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"What?! Mom, no! please it's not fair! It was my fault! Just don't separate me from Austin!" I pulled my hand out of her grasp and ran towards Austin. "Please, don't let her do this to me...." I whispered in Austin's ear, crying.

"I-I think it's best you obey your mom Olive..." He pushed me away... I stepped back surprised.

"What? So, you don't want me to stay?" I whispered, hurt.

"I don't want you to get hurt Olive.."

"STOP CALLING ME OLIVE! I thought you loved me! I thought you cared! You promised to always be there.... and now I see you were lying," I slapped him and pushed him away. "Don't ever look for me again.." I scowled crying. I broke down into sobs and walked out the door. I got in my mom's car and as my mom was pulling away, I saw Austin walk out, towards the car. I closed my window, pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face there... I could hear Austin try to talk to me. The car drove away faster and Austin ran after it for a block.. I turned around once more and saw him on his knees hitting the ground... I turned around again quickly, for sympathy was rising up in me and I was too hurt and full of emotions to let another one rise...  I cried silently all the way home and when we got there, I ran to my room and called Ana... She was the only one that I could possibly talk to about my feelings...

"Hello?" Ana asked in a sleepy voice.

"A-Ana, c-can you co-come o-over?" I asked trying to hold back a sob.

"Why? What happened?" She asked concerned, fully awake this time.

"Aus-Aus-Austin!" I sobbed into the phone.

"Be there in a minute. Keep your window open so I can climb in.." She hung up and I cried my heart out until she got here. She climbed in and as soon as I saw her, I ran to her and hugged her.

"Why Ana? Why?" I cried. We sat down on my bed and I told her everything. It took a while because I kept breaking out in sobs every sentence or two, but Ana was patient and let me finish off without complaining.

"So, he just let you go like that? without fighting for you?" She asked clearly angry. I nodded and cried again. " It breaks me to say this Olive, but he didn't fight for you, he didn't love you.. Doesn't know whats good for him. Olive, there are fish in the sea-"

"And when will I ever catch the right one again?!" I yelled, angry. My phone rand and Ana took it. The caller I.D. said it was Austin.

"Hello?" Ana answered solemnly.

"Ana? Where's Olive?" He asked, sadly. When I heard his voice, it was like a whole new faucet had been turned on. I sobbed into my pillow. Ana looked at me and I shook my head.

"She's undisposed to talk to you at the moment. But you're on speaker."

"Fine. Olive, if you don't want to talk, at least hear me out. When I said that you should obey your mom, it wasn't meant as if I didn't want you around. I meant to tell you that I didn't want your mom to get angry and you should listen to her. After all, you did faint under my care. Olive, I don't want you out of my life. I just want whats best for you."

"No, you don't! You saw that I was a burden so you prefered to leave me! You saw how uncapable I was of taking in the celebrity life so you don't want me! Austin, when I said don't call me again, I meant it! Don't try again, because I won't recieve it anyway!" I took the phone from Ana and hung up. I blocked him and threw the phone on my desk. I broke down crying once more and Ana had to help me off the floor, and onto my bed. She tucked me in under the covers like a little girl and stroked my hair. I cried myself to sleep and in the morning, Ana was still there, awake with big undereye circles. She hadn't slept, taking care of me.. I sat up and I rubbed my eyes. I helped Ana get in the covers and as soon as her head hit the pillow she was out like a light. I went downstairs to get a glass of water and my mom was there. She made me my favorite breakfast but I was too sad to eat. My appetite had faded along with the feelings I had for Austin.

"Olive, there's someone here to see you." My mom said leading me into the living room.

"Mom, noooooo.... I'm too tired still. I don't want to see anyone. Tell the person to leave a message with you..." She pushed me in the living room and on the couch, alex and Austin were waiting. As soon as Austin saw me, he got up and tried to hug me. I stepped back and out of his reach.

"Olive.." Austin started saying.

"Mom, why did you let him in?" I asked a tear rolling down my cheek.

"He talked to me about what had happened the night before, and he explained it better than I had it pictured. He said he wouldn't leave until he saw you." My mom crossed her arms.

"Olive.... I-"

"Stop, calling me that.... I thought you understood what I told you yesterday-"

"No! I didn't understand! I don't understand why you won't let me talk to you! I don't understand why you blocked me and I most certainly don't understand why you are holding back your feelings from me!" He interrupted me before I could finish.

"Because I don't want to get hurt anymore! That's why! I son't want you to hurt me anymore!" Another fat tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

"See?! You are holding back your feelings! You don't want me to see you're hurt! Too bad because I'm feeling exactly what you're feeling!" He frowned, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Why..... Why did you have to come.." I whispered.

"Because I love you." As soon, as the last word slipped his mouth, he pulled me into a kiss. Totally unexpected.... I didn't realize this but I was kissing back.... I hugged him and cried...

"I'm sorry.... You didn't deserve the rudeness... or the physical contact.." I said, surpressing a laugh. He smiled and nodded.

"Olive, will you take me back?" He got on one knee, kind of as if proposing to me. I nodded and pulled him up into a hug. About a minute later, after that hug I heard Ana walk down the stairs. She kinda trudged into the living room.

"What did I miss? I hope- ALEX?!" she screamed, fully awake.

"Hey." Alex waved. Ana looked kinda messy... Wait, If Ana looks like that, then I look worse! I ran up the stairs, brushed my hair, put on new clothes, and washed my face and teeth. I ran down the stairs again, and they were all in the kitchen, smiling... Why?

"What's going on?" I asked. 

"Olivia, I have some good news..... We're moving!" 

"What?! Where?"  I screamed, concerned

"Olive, we're gonna be next door neighbors!" Austin yelled, grinning and pulling me into a hug. 

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