Surpassing Boundaries

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The sunset was no more and we lay down and stared at the stars...

"Austin, why me?" I asked, although I had already asked him before.

"Because you are amazing.." He said, once again...

"No, Austin. Really.... Why?" I replied, looking at him in the eyes.  He sighed and sat up.

"Because, you were yourself the moment you talked to me. You didn't act differently around me, like everyone else. You showed me you were just a normal girl. Normality is what I was looking for. I find it attractive." I know this might sound weird now, but It was super sweet. He was attracted to normality. He might as well fall in love with a rock...

"So, you think my normality is attractive? I asked sitting up. "Thats it?"

"yes, and NO! Thats not all! You're beautiful, funny, charming, polite, and just everything I've ever wished for in a girl! You're perfect to me." He said taking my hand. I smiled and leaned in.

A/N: this might get a bit uncomfortable..... You don't like it, skip it. :) thank you!

We kissed, slowly at first. Then I started feeling myself fall back, and lay on the towel. I felt him push against me. I started going with the flow.... I remind you, we were in swimming suits... Mine was still a bit moist from my recent encounter with the water... then, I didn't even realize I was doing this, the tongue was inserted to the kissing. His hand was traveling up my thigh.... he was getting too close..... I had boundaries and I was surpassing them today,, Could it hurt to ignore my limits?... No, not today.. I couldn't risk it... I pulled away and Austin looked a bit confused...

"I'm sorry Austin, I can't. I have my boundaries and I surpassed them tonight... I-I think this should be very, very special. Plus, I've only known you a little while and we're rushing it." I studdered out. How would he take it? I had no  freaking clue...

"It's okay. If you don't want to, it's okay."  he nodded his head, sitting up.

"No! No, it's-it's not that I don't want to. I think it should be special. Maybe when we've been together a bit longer?" I replied, sitting up so fast, I got light-headed.

"If that's what you want, it's perfectly fine. I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to." He smiled, knowingly.

"It's just, this... this would b-be my first time." I whispered, blushing.

"Oh, well, in that case, lets make it super special. Just for you." He pinched my cheek. It was getting cold and really late.

"Austin, I think we should go. Its cold and late." He nodded and we picked up our stuff. I wrapped my towel around myself and we walked to his car. I took my clothing and changed in the car, while Austin stood watch outside. I was done and I braided my wet hair. Nah, It's bugging me... I let it out of the braid and just let it be. I openned the door and I hit Austin on the nose.

"Oh, my goodness Austin! Are you okay?!" I closed the door and helped him off the floor.

"Yeah, yeah.. I'm-I'm fine." He stood up dusting himself off.

"I'm really, really sorry. I didn't mean to hit you!" I said, trying to hold back a giggle.

"Don't worry. Lets get going. Hungry?" He asked opening the door to the car. I got in and nodded, Although we had eaten a while back.

"Alright! How about..... hmmm...-"

"Pizza?" I finished for him, smiling.

"Oh, God. I love you even more every single day." He kissed my cheek and we drove off. We got to the pizza place and as soon as we got out of the car, papparazi came and flooded around us. I remembered my dream and got close to Austin.

"Austin! Is this your girlfriend?!" came out of nowhere.

"Okay, guys! guys! listen up! It's official! Olivia is my girlfriend! and, we are a couple!" He yelled so everyone could hear. We budged our way through and into the pizza place. We ordered take out and waited for our pizza.

"Boy, was that professional..." I giggled.

"What? Now they know. Just be careful, they can be rather feisty... If they ask you a question answer politely, or else they might want to spread stupid rumors about you." He held my hand. I nodded. Our pizza was ready and we had to budge our way to the car again. In that one, I wasn't holding on to Austin well enough and I lost grip. I was pushed back and as I was standing up, someone spit on me. They were asking questions that I couldn't make out. I couldn't see because of all the flashes.

"Aus-Austin!!!!" I screamed trying to push my way through. "Excuse me, excuse me. Austin?! Austin!?" I pushed my way past some papparazi. I was finally out of the crowd and people were running at me. I started panicking and ran the other way and bumped into Austin. I didn't realize I had stopped breathing until I fainted.......


"Olivia?" I heard Austin's voice call. He sounded very far away... I opened my eyes and my vision was blurry. I blinked a few times until my vision was better. I saw Austin, and Michele looking down on me. I looked around and found myself in Austin's room.

"Olivia, are you okay? You need anything?" Michele asked. I shook my head.

"Alright, your mom's on her way... I'll go get you a glass of water anyways." She walked out the room and Austin stood up, shaking his head.

"This is my fault... I never should've let go of you..... It was stupid of me to make us official like that..." His voice started cracking.

"Austin..." I said standing up. he looked at me and ran to me.

"No, lay down.... I don't want you to get hurt again." He held me back gently and made me sit down on the bed again.

"Austin, don't feel bad." I kissed his cheek and hugged him.

"OLIVIA!?" My mom bardged into the room. She hugged me and kissed my cheeks.

"Mom, I'm okay. Relax." I giggled.

"Yes, she's fine..." Austin started saying. My mom interrupted him.

"No! she's not okay! She was attacked and she was unconcious for 2 hours! I don't call that fine. Olivia, say goodbye to Austin. This will be the last time you see him." She said, grabbiing my hand and pulling me towards the door.......

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