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"I can't believe this is happening!" Sophia exclaimed. Her hands running over the tulle white fabric.

A small smile spreads on my lips as I turn her around so she could see herself. Sophia's jaw dropped, stunned by her image. She looked breath-taking. Her brown hair laid below her waist in soft curls. The make-up artist had done a natural look on her face giving her a flawless complexion.

"You look beautiful." I told her, admiring the bride-to-be glow she was radiating.She turned around giving me a tight hug.

"Thank you so much for introducing him to me. He became the best thing that could have happened." Her voice cracked. I knew since the day I introduced Tony and her they would click. Like he had said, he fell for the wrong princess, but he had a Queen waiting for him.

It wasn't easy for Sophia to fall for Tony. For a few months she kept insisting she had no feelings for him. She made a huge deal about their age differences. Tony was three years younger than her. Three lousy years wasn't nothing. The age gap wasn't as big as other people out there. Knowing Tony, he didn't surrender so easily. He brought her flowers nearly everyday, until one day he showed up with a diamond ring in a box.

At first Sophia made him get up from the ground where he was kneeling. She tried to convince him, a life with her was never going to be easy. Tony told her otherwise, a life without her wouldn't be bearable. It's those words which made her say yes. The next few months were consumed by us planning a wedding. And now the day has come, and I couldn't be anymore happier for them than I am right now.

"Sebastian and I got you a present." I went over to my drawer and pulled out the large black box. "Every bride should feel like a Princess on their wedding day, and I know you never were able to find the perfect tiara, so Sebastian and I want to give you one of mine." I opened the box revealing the diamond encrusted tiara.

"Adalyn..." She looked at the tiara shocked. "I can't take this."

"Ugh, yes you can! You will!"

"This is already too much. You're letting us borrow the palace and you paid for mostly everything. I can't take this." She closed the box and hands it back to me.

I open the box and pull out the tiara. "You were there for me through the worst times in my life, and even when I was wrong, you never left my side. You've done more than I have for your wedding. So you're going to wear the tiara, and feel like the real Princess here." I giggled, placing the tiara on her head.

"There. Now you're ready."

She smiled. "Thank you."

"The ceremony will start in twenty minutes." Officer Ron hummed throughout the hall.

"Crap. I need to finish getting ready. If you need anything call me, okay?" I rushed out the room and made my way towards Sebastian's room.

He was near his closet buttoning up his white shirt. Turning around, he checked who had burst into his room.

"The wedding starts in twenty minutes and I haven't even changed." I bellowed. Most of my morning was consumed by setting up the decorations outside in the garden, and reassuring myself we hadn't forgotten anything for the wedding. I managed to get my hair and makeup done because of Sebastian. He had to drag me to my room so I could sit down and give the stylist time to do my hair.

He chuckled to himself as I past by him. "You don't change."

"Shut up." I muttered.

"What? You haven't. You're always getting ready in the last minute." He followed me inside the bathroom.

The Tattooed Prince 2Where stories live. Discover now