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The whole ride to the airport I bawled my eyes out, sobbing hysterically. I didn't know anything else beyond the black gates in the palace. Although my eyes have seen countries and people all around, home was the palace. Now, there wasn't a place for me to feel comfortable with. All I could think about was grabbing a flight to Barcelona and staying with Delilah until I figured out what I wanted to do. I called her and through sobbing and broken english I managed to tell her I was going to Barcelona. She didn't understand why but she arranged for a private plane to bring me to my destination.

I tried controlling myself in the plane, every time I thought I managed to calm myself down the screams of Sebastian boomed in my head and I would start crying again. The fight attendant brought me tissue after tissue until she realize my cries weren't going to stop. She sat down next to me and wrapped her arms around me and I cried. I thought for a moment she was going to ask why I was crying, especially when in her eyes I am still The Queen. Yet, she didn't say anything, she kept her arms around me, while I soaked her perfectly ironed uniform with my tears. I wasn't sure when I knocked out but someone soft hand on my cold shoulder woke me up.

Fluttering my eyes open, Esther stood in front of me. My eyes were swollen from all the crying I had done, it was hard to keep my focus on him. He helped me stand up and we stepped out of the plane towards the black car waiting for us a few feet away. The sun was rising in the horizon setting an outcast of the airport in front of us. I looked down on the ground avoiding the rays from hurting my vision even more. One of the drivers opened the passenger door for us and I got in with Esther behind.

It was silent the whole ride back to the palace, a part of me felt like Esther knew what had happened. For it being early in the morning, he looked wide away, a worrisome look plastered on his face. Maybe my actions were predictable Sebastian knew I was going to fly to Barcelona to stay with Delilah and he called Esther to let him know what was going on. Perhaps Esther is wondering why I left Madrid in the middle of the night with much explanation as too why. It didn't seem to matter though, Esther didn't ask me anything. Instead he pulled me closer to him and I rested my head on his shoulder.

Once we arrived to the palace he helped me out the car and we walked together inside. Delilah was waiting for us near the stairs with her robe still on. Her belly had grown from the last time I was here, she seemed to have swallowed a watermelon. My eyes went up to her concern face, I didn't think I had it in me to cry again. The moment our eyes met tears began spilling down my cheeks once again. She pulled me closer to her hugging me the best way to could since her belly was getting in the way.

"Hey, calm down, it's okay." She whispered to me.

"No it's not..." I sobbed. "I resigned Delilah, I stepped down the thrown."

"What?" Esther shouted.

They hadn't been aware of the mess happening in Madrid and I couldn't expect them to understand why I left. Knowingly, neither would judge me for leaving Sebastian but residing my rightful place as the Queen was more hard to pass. I told them all that happened up to last night. I told them how Sebastian was secretly going to bring Libby into our home and how he had forgotten I existed too. The last thing I could do as The Queen was send her so far away Sebastian wouldn't be able to locate her.

After I was done Esther and Delilah were staring at each other stunned. "I couldn't do it anymore." I whimpered.

"Adalyn, you did what you believe was best and no one can tell you other wise. Sebastian is an idiot and he isn't thinking clearly so you did the right thing sending her away. He needs time to think clearly, it's obvious he isn't." Esther said.

"Plus, you cannot be responsible for his actions, Adalyn. You had a responsibility to the Royal Family and you fulfilled it, if you didn't want to stay there you had every right to leave." Delilah commented.

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