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We sat in the middle of the bed in silence, just eating spoonfuls of ice cream. This time around, things felt awkward or it could be I felt embarrassed by how easily I fell into his arms again. I am weak when it comes to Sebastian's lips.

"I got carried away..." He sighed out. "My intentions were not to show up here and have sex with you, especially in that position,"

A small smirk spread on his lips, reminiscing what happened earlier.

"Makes two of us," I muttered, taking another spoonful of ice cream. The kiss would have satisfied me, but our cycle keeps bringing us back to having sex. "If we continue to let sex do all the talking, this is only going to get worse,"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"We have fallen in a toxic cycle. We make promises we know we might not be able to keep, we pretend to believe them, probably because at the time we do, and when we disappoint each other we throw hell,"

He scoffed, "I wish I can say you are wrong, but it's true," he placed down the spoon inside the bowl and sighed. "But if it means I get to have you for a few hours at a time, I don't care."

"I care..." I responded and slipped out of the bed. I went over to the bathroom, dropping my bathrobe in the process. "But I agree, if it means being able to have you for hours at a time, why not enjoy it?"

Sebastian got up from the bed and went inside to the bathroom, not hesitating to drop his pants to the floor. Sebastian got under the showerhead and I followed right behind. I wrapped my arms around his torso and rest my head on his chest--this is what I miss most about being with Sebastian, the moments I get to have him near me.

"I miss this," Sebastian confessed. "Remember we used to do this all the time?"

I rolled my eyes, "and somehow we always had someone interrupt us," I smiled softly, remembering the first time I shoved Sebastian in the bathroom when he was drunk and he pulled me in with him. Queen Rachel barged in almost catching me in there.

"We never had peace in the palace, huh?" He said as he ran his hand over my wet hair.

"No, but what would our life been if we had peace there?"

"Maybe this," Sebastian responded, taking in the quietness of the room. "We'd be in the shower enjoying each other presence in silence. No guards to bother us or my pestering mother barging in,"

"I would've liked that," I said, closing my eyes and imagining what life could have been. One thing I have learned since leaving the palace is not wondering what life could have been. There is a reason why things ended up this way.

"Do you plan on us staying in the shower all night?" I heard Sebastian say.

I nodded, gaining a chuckle from him. "Alright, Princess,"


The next morning I woke up to Sebastian sitting on the edge of the bed with his back towards me. I extended my hand out, getting ready to touch his back when Sebastian turns around. A small smile appeared on his face.

"Good morning,"

"Morning," I yawned, stretching out. Last night was a long night for us, after our shower, we ended up in bed again. "what are you doing up so early?"

"Officer Ron kept calling me, so I had to take the call,"

"Did you come here without letting anyone know?" I asked curiously.

"Not exactly," He responded, rubbing the back of his nape with his hand. "I told my therapist when she let me voluntarily leave the clinic,"

"You did what? What happened to finishing one more month there?" He had come a long way for him to relapse. Sebastian even said it, treatment is more effective if he stays longer in the clinic.

"My therapist opened my eyes to things and becoming sober was the first step. I know I'll never touch an alcohol bottle again, but to do the rest, I need to be out of the clinic,"

"And you think bailing out of Spain to come see me was the right decision?"

"It's a start," He turned around to look at me.

I smiled, "you shouldn't risk things for me,"

"I'd risk everything for you," He said quickly.

"I wouldn't," I said truthfully.

" I know because you already did and doing it a second time wouldn't be fair," He leaned over and gave me a kiss. "You said I'd never wait for in the middle of a war zone and I won't. I am going to start a war for you in the palace, Adalyn. I'm not going to let anyone get in the way of my happiness, not anymore," 

Hey guys I want to let you know I have started a Patreon account in the hopes of becoming a fulltime writer. By becoming a Patreon you have access to longer content, deleted chapters, explicit scenes, early access on chapters (TPB2: been updated twice, TGWGUHJ: Once (currently working on releasing another chapter this week, (TTP (New Edition): updated four times!, TTP2: updated twice, and there is deleted chapters of different stories!) If you would like to become a Patreon member the link will be right here ---->

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