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The rest of the night didn't go as smoothly as one would think it would during a night of drinking. Although Mateo snapped me out of my drunken state, the alcohol was still in my body and my body found a way for me to cleanse itself. Instead of going to bed like my body yearned to do, my head was sunk into a toilet for over five hours while my stomach heaved all the contents. 

Mateo had to go down to the hotel lobby and find a convenient store open to try to see if they had anything to calm down my stomach. It wasn't pleasant sitting on the bathroom floor vomiting and Mateo holding onto my hair while I did so. I felt embarrassed. First, I try to kiss the guy and now he is grabbing onto my hair while I hurl. This is how I wanted to finish my night. 

Somewhere between six or seven in the morning, my stomach decided it had cleansed itself enough and the hurling stopped. Mateo could hardly open his eyes and it made me feel worse for drinking carelessly. 

"You can go to sleep. I'll be fine." I assured him, reclining my head against the bathtub.

"I'd hope so, you vomited for days." He chuckled. 

I covered my face, embarrassed again for looking like a hot mess in front of him. "I swear I had never vomited from drinking too much." 

"There is always a first time for everything." He shrugged. "I'm glad it was you throwing up and not me," he confessed. 

I looked at him. "Geez, is that suppose to make me feel better?"

"I don't mean it like that. If we were both drunk than we would be in trouble, that's all." 

I suppose he was right, one drunk is enough, two seems like a disaster waiting to happen.  If he was a bit more intoxicated we could have ended sleeping with each other and the talk we previously had wouldn't have occurred. 

Mateo had helped me snap back into my senses. I am single and I can do what I please but I can't make a disaster for myself and the other person on the end of the stick. I want to be prepared to try to be with someone and for me to do that I have to conquer my demons. 

I want Mateo to be wrong, I don't want to be the girl that breaks his heart. If the time comes where my heart has fully healed then I want to try things out with Mateo. I can't promise we will stay forever together but the thought of being with someone else gives me butterflies. 

"I want to take a bath, " I told him, getting off the floor I turned on the water and let the tub filled up. I moved him to the side so I could brush my teeth. 

"Can we just go to sleep?" He muttered.

"You...can," I said between brushes. 

"It's not like I am going to be in the bathroom with you huh?" He laughed to himself. I spit out the water and nodded. 

"Exactly. So, goodbye." I smiled, pushing him out the bathroom. 

"Leave the door unlocked just in case you fall or something. You might feel sober but you are still slurring a bit your words!" I heard him behind the door. 

"Okay," I responded and began to strip down. 

The warm water touching my skin felt like heaven to me. It was what I needed to jolt me back to my senses. Sadly, the water relaxed me so much it caused me to knock out while being in the tub. It wasn't until Mateo came in and woke up did I get out of the tub. 

He didn't see me naked, the doors had pixels glass so the person standing outside the tub couldn't see the person inside. He gave me a towel and I wrapped myself in it. Mateo ended up giving me a pair of his sweats and a shirt. He tried to look for sleeping wear in my bag but he gave up rather quickly. It was easier to give me a pair of his clothes than digging through mine. 

In honesty, I wasn't drunk anymore and I knew where my sleeping clothes were at, yet I enjoyed watching him take care of me. It felt nice to have someone look after you, it was a feeling I hadn't experience in a long time. When I finished changing and getting comfortable in bed, I notice he kept looking down at his phone. 

"Is something wrong?" I asked him. He turned to look at me and shook his head.

"No, we should try getting some sleep." Mateo placed his phone down and the counter and covered himself in the blanket. 

"What time is it?" Our room was still dark but I assumed it was because of the thick curtains. 

"Ten in the morning, you stayed asleep in the shower for over four hours." He sounded impressed. "I'm surprised you didn't mess up your neck." 

Yeah, well, I'm not totally in the clear with that. My neck was feeling stiff but I wasn't going to let him know that. I grabbed on the cover and pulled it towards my chest. Nothing beats being in bed after a night of drinking. Mateo turned towards me and pulled me towards him. My head rested on his chest, while one of his hands rested on top of mine. Cuddling has become our thing and I don't mind doing it all. His muscular arms around me and his warmth brought a sense of safety for me.

We knocked out for a few hours until Mateo began to receive calls and he had to get out of bed. For a while, he took the calls while in bed, but from my sleepy slumber, I could hear how angry the person on the other line was. He ended up getting out of bed and going towards the living area outside of our room. I tried going back to sleep but I began to worry about the phone calls Mateo was getting. 

I ended up getting out of bed and walking out into the living room where Mateo was sitting on the couch looking at his phone. He looked stressed out. 

"You have the same look as this morning, what's wrong?" I asked him again. 

He handed over the phone to me. Pictures of Mateo and I were plastered everywhere on social media. A paparazzi was following us last night and he took pictures and videos of us dancing. It wasn't a big deal, it wasn't the first time our picture gets taken, so why was this causing him trouble. 

"I didn't know there was paparazzi there last night." I quickly defended myself. 

"No, no it's not that. It's causing a bit of dilemma for me back home." He admitted. "When I asked for the week off I told my parents I was taking a mini-vacation, it slipped my mind to tell them it was with you. So, when this got leaked they aren't happy people are assuming we are dating." 

"Pictures of us have been out since you attended the charity event with me." I felt hurt, his parents were making a fuss over simple pictures. "Do they not want you around me because I was a Royal?" 

He got up and shook his head. "Addy, calm down. It's not a big deal." 

"It seems like it when they have called all morning." I raised my voice. "I don't want to cause trouble for you." 

Mateo sighed. "You cause a storm over something small. They are as perplex as every person out there wondering if we are dating. I explained to my parents I have been traveling with you on my free time. I'm keeping up with my responsibilities so there is no reason for them to demand much of me. It's my personal life." 

"If we were dating they wouldn't be happy, would they?" I quietly questioned him. 

"Its a bit more complicated than that." He responded. 

"Then explain." 

"How about I show you?" He said. "My parents want me to go visit, why don't you come with me and I'll show you how complicated things are for me." He chuckled. 

"You make it sound like it's going to be fun." I glared at him. 

"Oh, it is. You and I are going to be in for a big surprise." He grinned. "So what do you say? Want to take your next adventure by visiting my home? I promise you won't be disappointed." 

I rolled my eyes. "When do we leave?" 


Let's see what adventures await for Mateo and Adalyn!

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