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Adalyn's Point of View

It was tough coming down from the weekend high, especially with everything that happened between Sebastian and I. Returning back to Los Ángeles I felt lost again—it was expected though. As long as I get to touch, feel, and love Sebastian, the reality of things will always be hard to face.

I poured myself another glass of wine and took a sip, taking in the night air. Ever since I got back from Los Ángeles every night I come to the backyard and drink a bottle of wine. I have been trying to ignore the emptiness lingering in my chest, unfortunately it has been winning.

"You have been drinking three days straight, do you not think it might be too excessively?" Sophia asked as she took a seat next to me and covered herself with the blanket.

I shrugged, "it has been three long days," I confessed. Sophia was aware of the events that took place over the weekend, before my depature back to Los Angeles I let Sophia and Delilah know what happened.

Delilah seemed pleased to know the spark between Sebastian and I still burned, however Sophia had a different view on things. She didn't want me to go through another heartbreak, especially in the hands of Sebastian. A very long time ago, she told me to chose my battles and the one with Sebastian had been settled the night I left Spain.

I thought things were going to be different with Sebastian, yet, he has become a version I always envision him to be. Without the alcohol running through his veins, he was capable of being a loving—caring man.

"You did not tell Delilah everything," Sophia spoke up, giving me a side glance. "You left out the part where Sebastian chose the throne over you,"

"Somethings are better off being kept a secret," I simply said, not daring to look at her. If Delilah found out Esther turned down the opportunity to rule Spain, she would be angry for coming in the way of Sebastian and I happiness.

"You were ready to move on with Mateo and what happened with Sebastian should not change anything-"

"...but it does," I turned to look at her. "Mateo does not deserve to be hurt and what makes you think he is going to want to be with me after knowing I had sex with Sebastian?"

He hasn't spoken to me since the day he flew back, and I haven't tried get a hold of him either. I am too embarrassed to show my face to him, especially after confessing to him what I did. I still feel guilty.

"You know what your problem is, Adalyn? You compare every guy to Sebastian and that is why no guy will ever be good enough," her words caused a small ache in my chest to form. "Sebastian does not deserve to have you again after all the bullshit he put you through,"

"I did not ask for your opinion," I shot back. "I hate how everyone thinks they know what is best for me!"

She scoffed, "You do not even know what is best for you. The night you left the palace, you left your heart there. That is why you cannot be with anyone else without feeling as if you are cheating on Sebastian. For someone who says she does not care about what others think, you continue to act as if you do,"

I bit down on my bottom lip, fighting the tears in the corner of my eyes. I wanted to yell at her and say she is wrong—Sophia isn't though. If I had been truly done, getting my closure should have been enough, yet my actions said otherwise. There is no way for me to escape from Sebastian without remaining alone—and I know being all by self isn't good for me.

"I am confused..." I spoke up. "I cannot seem to find a way to leave Sebastian behind without losing all the people I love. Nor can I be with Mateo while Sebastian continues to have me in chains,"

"He betrayed you. He lied to you. He mocked you. He continued to keep you in the dark. And the list goes on and on," she responded angrily. Sophia never forgave Sebastian for what he did to me. She says she left the palace because without me it felt empty, but the real reason is, every time she sees Sebastian her eyes darken. Sophia idolized him and for a very long time she was willing to give up her life for his. Things changed when she was assigned to me; she saw me as her younger sister. Having a front seat of all the chaos brought on by Sebastian and I, it's not a surprise she has grown to dislike him.

"He loved me..." I said, letting my tears roll down my  cheeks. "Although you are right about everything else, it does not change the fact you love him as much as I do,"

She shook her head, "I was doing my job, Adalyn. I served King Carlos and Queen Rachel. My job then was to make you into a Princess. My job now, is protect you from getting hurt by him again,"

"He was my first love and my first heartbreak. I do not know how to get over that, but I am sure seeing him for every family event is not going to help with the process of moving on!"

"Nor will you taking the same steps he did to end up at a rehabilitation center," her words felt like a slap in the face. Looking down at the half-empty bottle of wine, I felt myself cringing.

"I do not care if you end up with him or Mateo. I care about you indulging down bottles of wine like it is water!"

"Sophia," I chuckled dryly. "I will not-"

"But you will," she cut me off. "I watched Sebastian drink whiskey out of the bottle for months. I did not do anything back then to stop him, but I will stop you," she reached over and grabbed the bottle plus the wine glass.

Tony appeared in front of us, he had his tie loosen and he seemed as if he was ready for bed. His eyes roamed from me to Sophia and the wine. A small frown appeared on his lips.

"I am too tired to deal with this tonight," he started off saying, before placing his finger and thumb on the bridge of his nose. "But, I am going to anyways. Adalyn, you have to make up your mind, because one minute you are ready to move on and the next you are spending your days drinking wine in the back yard. It is not that hard to pick who matters most, your well-being or your ex-husband. Who promised he will fix the chaos he left behind, if I recall, he has never been good at keeping promises."

He turned to look at Sophia, "You, I told you not to get involved," he sighed. "You should have brought up the drinking, not the whole Sebastian ordeal. You two, need to get it together because I am getting tired of hearing the same thing over again. Either decide to stand next to Sebastian or start making a life outside of Sebastian's world" He yelled angrily, before storming back inside the house.

"Ouch," I whispered.

"He is right though, Adalyn. I do not serve the Royal Family anymore, maybe it is time for me to focus on what I do have,"

"At least you have Tony," I responded.

"Yeah, and you had me,"

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Also if you have not checked out my new story Vaughn, go and read the first chapter leave a vote and comment, make sure to add it to your library, because you are going to want to stay tune.

Until next time, take care guys—GV

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