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I've learned from the past never to stick around when Sebastian wants to make a scene. Tonight it was about Santiago and his charity event and Sebastian was going to make it all about him. He never thinks about anyone else, to him the world revolves around him. Reality hasn't sunk into his empty head, I'm afraid it will never be filled with sympathy for others. 

If the times were different, my ass would've stayed glued onto the chair, watching the poor lonely king make a mess of everything. Instead, I pushed myself off the chair and stood up, giving him a quick glance, turning my back towards the stage I walked across the room towards the exit. I refuse to continue being in the light of his mockery and there wasn't anything left inside me willing to sit there and hear what he has to say. 

Sebastian's words mean nothing to me...he means nothing to me. 

"Adalyn, the fundraising portion isn't over yet." Sebastian words chimed in my ear. My back was still facing them and with his cheery voice, I knew what he was trying to do. 

I bawled up my fist getting ready to say something back to him, for a split second I nearly stopped walking, then I remembered I am not the person he thinks I am. The more attention I feed to him, the stronger he thinks he is over me. I promised I wouldn't come back, his queen doesn't live inside me anymore...she's far gone. 

I released my hands and relaxed my shoulders as I stepped into the hallway. I cannot fight with him anymore nor do I want to speak to him. If he is angry I left the palace and he continues to be the same ignorant Prince, he truly doesn't have the strength to change. He must have forgotten I was the commoner who was taught to be a Royal and he was born a Royal taught to be a King, yet the attitude and poise he carries isn't anything close to what a King should be. 

Maybe, all through Sebastian life, the emptiness he felt without his parent's affection and the pressure to become the next ruler destroyed the little compassion he must have been born with. Everyone has the capacity to be loved and love someone, yet to Sebastian all he wants is someone to make him feel less lonely. 

He never saw the love surrounding him, even as lonely as the palace can get he has people showing as much affection as possible. Officer Ron raised him and loved him with all his heart, still it wasn't enough. Madison loved him to the point where she realised being next to him for the rest of her life was a commitment she couldn't agree too. She must have seen a life with a person like Sebastian wasn't worth it. Even if she did cling to him after we got engaged, I understand now why she struggled to let him go. He has that kind of effect on people. As much as you want to let him go, he has penetrated every bone in your body that even when you believe he is out of your system, your body tells you otherwise. 

Sebastian chose to bring chaos to everyone he touched and the process he destroyed the few loving connections. Now, I don't know what Libby fills up in his heart, but if it's more than any girl he has tried loving, he deserves to find peace with her. Libby could be the one who can touch his scars on his body and make him feel secure. 

"You still can't face him." I heard someone say to me. 

I turned around, finding Libby standing behind me. She had her hands together in front of her black dress.  "I didn't come out here to start a fight with you, I wanted to apologize for his behavior." 

I laughed dryly at her remark. Had she truly taken it as her job to apologize for him? How more pathetic could these two get? 

"I don't need an apology," I responded, keeping my distance from here, not wanting to get the attention of the people inside the venue. 

"He is drunk, he drinks a lot now." She spoke to me as if I wanted to know what he has been up too. 

"Libby, with all due respect, I wish not to speak to you nor see you. I don't care how he is doing or what he is doing. I made my choice-"

"It's all my fault and I feel terrible-" 

"Shut up, you sound pathetic. You don't have sypthamy for me or the choas you have done. You made your decision and I made mine. He's all yours now." I told her, I cutesied. "Now if you excuse me, Princess." I spat out. 

I turned back around and headed towards the end of the hallway. "I was not his whore." I heard her say. 

"I loved him." 

"You made a bad decision to love a Prince," I said back, not turning to face her. Her footsteps echoed through the hallway and she took it upon herself to get in front of me. 

"He loved me, he said it." Her eyes watered. 

"And you believed it," I muttered. 

"You called me his whore and I am not, I wasn't." She seemed to be convincing herself more than me. 

"If you ever become Spain's Queen, you'll understand why you will always be the whore and the Queen with less power." I moved around trying to make my way towards the exit when a hand wrapped around my arm and spun me around. It caught me off guard nearly causing me to slip with my own dress. 

"That's no way to talk to Spain's Princess, apologize," Sebastian said, angrily. 

His hand was still wrapped around my arm, causing my blood to stop flowing. "Let go of me!"

"Not until you apologize." He tightens his grip. 

I took in a deep breath, don't cause a scene, Adalyn. I bawled my free hand into a fist and swung to the side of his face, causing him to let go of my arm and go crashing into the wall.  The sudden thud, caused Santiago, Mateo, Tony, and Sophia to come rushing out the venue. 

"You must have lost your damn mind if you believed you could place your dirty hands on me," I yelled angrily at him. He grabbed onto his cheek, staring down at me with pure hate. 

Mateo came running pulling me behind him. "Are you okay?" He asked checking out my arm, Sebastian's finger was marked on my skin. 

"Yeah, I am fine," I told them. Santiago stared at my arm and in a flash, he had Sebastian pinned against the wall. 

"How dare you put your hands on her?" He spat angrily in Sebastian's face. Sebastian stared at him but didn't say anything, he didn't even fight back. 

Tony launched forward getting Santiago off of him. "Let it go, you don't need to get the attention of your guest." Tony told him. Santiago released him but he continue to fume, his hands were balled up against his sides as if he was ready to punch Sebastian. 

"Yeah, hide away behind your little man-toy." Sebastian words slurred. 

"For Jesus-christ, your drunk man," Mateo responded, not moving an inch, he was calm and collected. His shoulders remained to relax while one of his hands had me pinned close to him. 

"Take him home, Libby." I found myself ordering her. 

"Fuck you, you don't get to boss her around." Sebastian snapped back. 

I released myself from Mateo's hold and glared at Sebastian. Foolish Prince has completely forgotten I had taken care of him through all his phases drunk or sober. Out of all the things people have done for him, it was only me who could control his drunk self. 

"Let's make a few things clear, I am not one of your friends and you don't get to talk to me like that." I took a step towards him. "I don't have to put up with your bullshit and your immature tantrums. I don't belong to you." I grabbed onto his face and pulled him down to my level. 

"Your Princess is a girl who everyone sees's as a whore. By the looks of it, your parents do not approve of either since she isn't even wearing a crown. So, this is what you are going to do, Libby is going to get the car you came in and you are going to get in and leave." I squeezed harder onto his face, causing him to flinch. 

"And the next time you think about disrespecting me in public remember I left you, not the other way around. I had the bigger balls to walk out than you had to tell me the truth." I released his face and walked away from everyone. 


Is it bad that I want Sebastian to get a reality check of things? maybe he does love Adalyn and he doesn't know where to start fixing things. 

On the sixth day of chaptermas you received chapter 66;) (although I haven't been uploading everyday!:( )

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