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I told Mateo about the mild consequences of what was going to happen if he decided to company me to the charity event. The media was going to be there and I needed to take some pictures and he got the option to either company me through the media or follow Sophia through the back to avoid being photographed. I imagined for him to pick the second choice but he declined, he didn't mind to have his picture taken with me.

The entire week we talked to each other via text and every day I asked him if he was still sure he wanted to have his picture taken. I wasn't certain if he was aware of the tiny outburst our presence together was going to have. Regardless of my resignation of my crown, everyone still knew me as Queen Adalyn. Everyone was still hoping for a reconcillation between Sebastian and I. Showing up wiht Mateo was going to shock everyone and deep inside I was ready to start over with my life.

"Mateo is downstairs." Tony said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I was finishing putting on my earing.

"Okay, I'm coming." I said. I grabbed my handbag from bed and left the room. Sophia stepped out of her room in a long dark blue dress. She looked stunning.

"The mint color suits you." She grinned.

I smiled. "Thank you, I think it's the only thing I miss most about the palace is the extravagant gowns."

Sophia rolled her eyes. "You can wear those gowns too, have you forgotten it was me who would order them?" She winked at me.

"True. Shall we?" I extended my hand out to her.

"Let's go." She responded, grabbing on to my arm and we walked down the stairs.

Sophia wasn't my officer anymore, to be honest, I don't think she ever was. She became like a sister and without her I don't think I would've survived the palace and this new move. Sophia has been a blessing and the time is coming for me to let her go. As much as I want her to be around me and protect me, she derserves to be happy with Tony.

I cannot be under her wing forever and she seems to know the time is coming to let the timid girl she taught to be a Queen go her own way. There won't be a moment where I won't thank her for all she has done for me.

As we walked down the stairs Tony and Mateo stopped talking among each other and looked at us with pure awe. They were dressed in a black tux with Mateo wearing a bowtie instead of a regualr tie. When our eyes met, he smiled widely at me and I couldn't help but to smile with him.

"You look beautiful." He sighed out.

"Thank you, you look quite handsome yourself."

He turned to the side giving me a little model pose. "I clean up pretty well if you ask me."

"How were you able to find a tux in such a short time notice?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I keep a tux in my closet for when the occasion pops up."

"Oh, so you go to charity events with other women before?" I scoffed.

He chuckled amised by my reaction. "I metnioned before my parents host chairty events, whenever they ask me to fly where they are hosting it, I have a tux prepared."

"Right, I forgot about that."

"Alright, let's go." Tony said clapping his hands together. "We don't want to get there late."

Tony decided to acomppany us last minute when all week he kept saying he wsn't going. I found it funny how Sophia got his tux dry cleaned. When he came home from work he asked her where his tux was and she pointed to her bed.

We all went in one car and Tony drove us. The entire ride to the charity event my hands kept getting clamy, from how nervous I was. Things had settled down after my interview and I didn't want to spark up talk again. My biggest fear was Mateo being harassed with the paparazzi after this.

"You sure you want to do this?" I asked him as we approached the enterance of the venue.

Mateo stopped walking and grabbed my arm to turn me around to face him. "Look, I understand you were the Queen of Spain and for the past few months you have been the highlight of every media source but you cannot live your life avioding the media. Someday you are going to have to expose someone to your lifestyle. I don't care what happens if m picture gets plastered all over the media nor do I care if I get fifteen minutes of fame. I didn't say yes to being your date for the paparazzi but for you."

"You said your my date?" I blurted out stupidly.

"Seriously, that's all your brain registered?" He chuckled.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, I'm really nervous." I confessed. He grabbed onto my hand, sliding his fingers in between the gaps of mine.

"Let's do this together, okay? For once, let someone else protect you. If he couldn't do that for you, I can try for tonight."

How the hell I trusted this guy so easily was out of my control, there was somethign about him I couldn't shake off. He reitated pure kindness and my soul was absorbing it all. In a way, he was the medicine I needed to start healing all the wounds Sebastian caused.

Without saying another word to him we walked onto the carpet laid out on the enterance of the venue. The moment the paparazzi realised who was the next person stepping in and they saw Mateo they began to flash their cameras towards us. My heart was beating rapidly against my chest and my knees were getting weak.

There was no going back now, Mateo was exposed now. For a moment, I had convicned myself to make a dash for it, but Mateo squeezed my hand reassuring me. We stopped where the small letter x was on the ground to have our picutre taken. Mateo relased my hand and we positioned ourselves to get our picture taken. His hand remained lightly on my back and I sighed heavily before smiling towards the camera.

"You're going to be okay." He said to me.

I looked up to him and nodded. "I think I am going to pass out." I confessed.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "I got you, princess."

We stared at each ther the tension growing between us. The distance between us seemed to get smaller and smaller until I relaised we were both leaning towards each other. I closed my eyes expecting his lips to come crashing onto mine. It took me a moment to notice his lips weren't touching mine, instead he had pressed his forehead against mine.

"As much as I wish to kiss you, it's a bit too soon, don't you think?" He whispered to me. "We don't need to give the media another reason to blow this up."

I had forgotten we were still getting our pictures taken. I quickly relased myself from his grip and continued to walk towards the enterance with Mateo following behind me.

"I wasn't going to kiss you." I told him bluntly.

"I wasn't going to kiss you, either." he responded walking in front of me, grabbing my hand on his way.

Is it bad I have a theme song for Mateo and Adalyn already?

The picture up in the screen is Adalyn dress! Don't forget to leave your comments below!

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