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Sophia tilted her head to the side and grinned. "Do it. I agree with you one-hundred percent, Los Angeles doesn't feel like home."

It doesn't, this city wasn't meant to be for me, and last night was a good reason as to why. I shouldn't be afraid to step foot outside my house without fearing someone is going to snap a picture of me. What I have learned while living here is this is where people come to find fame, not to hide from it. Although I might not be hiding from the fame, I don't want to be faced with it every day. I want to be able to go down the street without having a camera shoved in my face.

For the flashing cameras to stop, I need to stop doing modeling gigs and going on talk shows. Or another well-known person needs to become top news. I don't condone the media feeding off the drama of people, I rather have them doing it to someone else rather than me. Los Ángeles doesn't seemed ideal for me and there has to be a place out there meant for me.

I don't plan on selling my house since I have already established myself here. I plan on letting Sophia and Tony stay here, the house is big enough for all of us, unless they plan on getting their own place. I wanted to ask Sophia if she'd want to come explore with me, but she had her responsibilities as a wife and I can't get in the way of that. Last night at the charity event, I planned everything out for myself. Without having any duties to fulfill I am able to do what I want and this is something I truly want.

"I don't know where to start though." I told her. I can't try pulling out cities out of her again, it's not a city I want to live in. I want to go to small towns where people hardly know they exist or cities where there's more than meets the eye.

If you get Adalyn wanted to see a different world, I wanted to complete that dream for myself. So what if things didn't go out the way I wanted too? There's something better waiting for me out there and when the time is right it'll come find me.

"Just pack your things and drive, you'll most likely make it to small towns and small cities." She spoke up, continuing to sip on her wine.

"I know you have your commitment with Tony but do you want to go with me?" I asked quietly, keeping my eyes glued to my hands as I fidget with my thumbs.

She turned to look at me. "Is this something you want to do with someone or alone?"

"Someone would be nice but I understand you have your own life." I reassured her. Going out to new places seemed scary to me but I left Spain and flew to a new country. I started off this new chapter on my own, I could handle the rest on my own too.

"As your Officer I am suppose to follow you wherever you go to make sure you're safe. As your sister, I think this time I have to step back and take care of my own life. I have a husband who needs me around and I need him." I heard her say. She placed her hand on top of mine.

"You'll be okay without me, right?"

I nodded. Sophia has done her job as a friend, sister, and officer. There isn't more she can do for me when she's given me her all. Tony and Sophia deserve to enjoy their happiness and sometimes I feel as if the pressure on Sophia's shoulders to be my officer is too much at times. The duty as an officer and a wife are a hard task, especially with how messed up my situation is with the Royal Family.

All this time Sophia has done what she was expected to do for me and not once did I heard her complain. Whenever I was at fault she scolded me and she molded me to be a better person. Sophia deserves to be happy and she finally found someone who does. Her job is over, she doesn't need to baby me anymore.

"You should go back to Spain." I told her, placing my hand on top of hers. We probably looked like as if we were about to throw our hands in the air as if we were plotting something.

She gawked at me confused. "Why?"

"If you miss Spain as much as you do, go back. I'll be okay." I reassured her. "You have done everything for me and you deserve to take care of yourself."

She quickly rolled her eyes. "We just had this conversation-"

"I know, I know, but if I'm going to travel you should go back to Spain."

"As homesick as I may be, I believe it's not time for me to return yet." She responded, releasing her hands and picking up her glass again.

I sighed heavily. "It was worth a shot right?"

She chuckled. "Yup."

The glass door behind open and we turned to look who it was. Mateo had dressed back to his tuxedo and was carrying his jacket over his arm. I quickly got out of the chair and went over to him.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Good morning, I have to head out." He frowned.

"Oh, why?"

"I forgot I had a meeting to attend to in New York and my secretary called me to notify me about my missed plane." He said tiredly.

Mateo hasn't told me what kind of job he has. I figured he was in college and I never asked him. He must've of sensed my confusion because he answered my question without me physically asking.

"My dad has me working for his company while he is back at home with my mom. He does the business and I travel for him to close deals. I don't go to college since I wanted to travel. My dad offered me the position to close deals for him and accepted."

"Oh, sounds like a sweet deal." I said, he's doing what he wanted while making money so it's not a big deal if he has to do the other half of the job for his dad.

He shook his head. "Not at all. I don't have to close out many deals for him, yet the times I do, I'm always running late." He sighed.

"I'm sorry for keeping you up late."

He rolled his eyes. "It's not your fault. Usually, my phone sends me reminders for my trips so I must've over read the notification or it was never placed in my calendar to begin with."

"Yeah, I'll walk you out." He said goodbye to Sophia and I walked him outside to his car. We exchanged a few words with each other and decided to meet up again once he gets back. With a tight goodbye hug, he got inside the car and drove off.

Returning back inside, Tony had made it downstairs to the kitchen. He had taken out the eggs and bacon and was starting to whisk the eggs in s bowel. He raised his head up, meeting my stare.

"Why didn't Mateo stay for breakfast?" He asked as he continue to batter the eggs.

"He has a meeting out of town."

"Oh okay, have you seen Sophia? She wasn't in the room when I woke up."

"I'm right here. I was having trouble sleeping so I came outside to watch the sunrise." Sophia answered behind him. I noticed she didn't have the glass of wine in her hand, meaning she didn't want Tony to find out about her early morning drink.

He turned around and gave her a small grin. "Good morning."

Sophia returned the smile and gave him a quick peck. "Good morning."

"Call me down when breakfast is ready. I am going to go upstairs and get myself dressed." I yelled as I went up the stairs.

I didn't get a chance to make it to my room when I receive a text message from Emily.

E: Have you looked on Snapchat stories? The pictures of last night charity events were posted and you are all over it!

Normally, I'd quickly go check it out but not this time, instead I locked my phone and went inside my bedroom to get dressed. Starting today, I didn't care what anyone had to say about me.

Eventually, they'll forget I was Sebastian Wife and my name.

I haven't edited this chapter. Usually I proofread once I get done writing but since I have been working on this for two days now I don't want to reread it right now.

Enjoy it, and don't forget to comment below your thoughts! Do you think Addy should go off and explore?

Again, have any questions for me? Write down below what they are and I will answer it on my Q&A!

Follow me on Instagram if you aren't: gnessawattpad

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