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"Call me when you land, okay!" Mateo said for the tenth time. I chuckled, nodding. He always does this when we are about to part ways from our trips. He has this fear of something bad happening to me and constantly tells me to call him when I get to my destination.

I think it's pretty cute.

"Don't-" I pressed my lips on his, shutting him up.

"I'll call, don't worry." I smiled.

He relaxed his shoulders and nodded. "Okay." he pressed his lips against mine again.

"I have to go." I told him, back away from him. We didn't want to leave each other and it seemed it was harder for him to say goodbye than me. I gave him a quick hug and went up the stairs to the plane.

The flight to Barcelona was peaceful, the flight attendant ended talking to me and about her love with Spain. Her husband had taken her to Barcelona for their honeymoon and she wished nothing more than to move their. Unfortunately, with her being a flight attendant and her husband being a pilot they're more out in the air then in Zakarette.

Talking to the flight attendant majority of the flight helped with my nerves. I assumed I was ready to go back and I needed to return home, yet the fear is what consumes me. I try to think about what am so afraid of, if there isn't anything trying to keep me in Spain. I guess I imagine returning back and deciding to stay due to how much I miss being in a place I am familiar with.

I seem to forget if I do stay in Spain it will be nothing like when I lived in the palace. To keep myself busy I'd have to enroll into university or get a job. Maybe what I'm doing back in America is the same as what I'd be doing in Spain. I'd probably end traveling and spending less time at home.

There's nothing for me to be afraid of.

I let Delilah know I was going to Barcelona a day late than I had promised. She wasn't happy with me due to me almost bailing on her but she sounded happier when I told her I was going to arrive to Barcelona tonight.

Once the airplane door opened and I stepped out Delilah was waiting for by the car. A huge smile formed on her lips. My sister looked older now, in a good way, she was back to her post birth body, but with more muscle. Her hair was longer and she had a bright glow around her. Delilah looked great before but she shined greater today.

I rushed over to her throwing my arms around her, feeling her warm embrace. She reacted the same by hugging me back.

"I missed you so much!" She said, not wanting to let me go.

"Me too. I'm sorry it took me so long to return." I responded.

She released me and give me a soft tap on the arm. "That's for lying to me." She hit me again. "that is for missing Christmas and New Year's."

She raised her hand to hit me again but I dodged it. "What was that one going to be for?" I demanded.

"For missing Camila's first birthday."

I frowned, staring at her feeling guilty. "It wasn't my intention to be gone so long." I approached her, tapping my arm I let her know she was allowed to hit me again.

Instead of hitting me Delilah wrapped her arms around me hugging me again. "I spent years away from you and you chose to not see me now. It hurts but it brings so much happiness to have you here again."

"I promise I won't miss anymore holidays."

"You better not, if not you'll be cut off as my sister!" She hissed.

I wasn't going to try to prove her wrong, regardless of how soft she acts with me, Delilah is a women of her word. She'll cut me off, probably breaking her heart in the process, but it'll stop me from hurting her repeatedly.

We got in the car and I was surprise to see Esther in the driver's seat. Camila was in her carrier sipping out of her cup. My heart automatically melted when her brown eyes met mine. Her black locks bounced she moved her head to the side, confused to see me.

"Hi, Camila, I'm your Aunt Addy." I cooed her, touching her soft skin. Camila grinned widely flashing me her two small bottom teeth.

I had missed so much during my time away, yet it never sunk in, the people around me had grown. Camila is growing at a fast pace and it broke my heart to meet her when she's about to be two. She could walk, say words, and was growing a sassy personality. Although Delilah sent videos of all of Camila milestones it didn't compare to seeing it in the flesh.

"I swear she is beautiful in pictures but in real life she's a human baby doll. She's so cute." My eyes watered.

"Thank you, she gets it from me." Esther chuckled.

"Hi, Esther." I reached out patting his arm. "I'm back." I chimed.

"It is about time, Adalyn. Thought I was going to grow white hair before I saw you again." He teased me.

"Sorry." I didn't know how many times I was going to have to apologize. They weren't trying to make me feel bad. They were happy to see me again and I was delighted to see them too.

My heart was filled with joy to see my family. How could I forget how special these two people made me feel? They were the ones who picked me up when I fell apart during my divorce. Esther and Delilah took me in and forced me to move on when there were days I had given up.

Delilah spent days in my room soothing me while I bawled my eyes and she had important things to worry about. She was still pregnant and she didn't care about that during the time. All she wanted was to see me fine. She was the hope I needed when I had none.

Camila sneezed and my gaze snapped back to her. "Bless you, mama." I grabbed onto her small hand she wrapped her hand around my finger.

"Please tell me she can't get any cuter?" I cried.

"You should see her fall asleep in her high chair while munching blueberries, the scene will melt your heart." Delilah responded.

The drive to the palace was talkative, Delilah and Esther wanted to know where I had travelled and I showed them pictures. I told them how kind and welcoming the villages in Argentina were and how they have helped tremendously with the healing process.

Delilah was impressed by the places I have been and the bravery I had to go off to different countries to explore. It was true, shackles weren't restraining me anymore, and the runaway princess ran. Luckily, this time I wasn't running away, rather exploring. Whether it was small coffee shops in Los Ángeles, or the villages in Argentina, I saw places I could never imagine.

Being away from home opened up my eyes to the beauty of things. Spain had always been a beautiful country and not because I was it's ruler, even as a teenager I loved exploring Madrid and Barcelona. I loved going to the bull runs in Pamplona and watching people coming together for the festivities. Coming back the smallest sight of a statue or the scenery of people walking to their jobs or chatting with friends, made me fall in love with Spain all over again.

Without realizing it, I found my next destination on my travels and it was my own birth place. There were small towns and sights to go crazy over exploring. If I am going to explore and enjoy my life. I need to enjoy it in the place I was born.

The country I chose to run away from.

I'm home.

I'm sorry for the long wait, I am on vacation and I have no signal. Even with WiFi it's hard to upload anything. This chapter was more of a filler, but the next chapter is going to be a great one ;)

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