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Throughout the course of our relationship Sebastian and I have had trouble dealing with each other when things get tough in our life. Sometimes we don't speak to each other for days end and it's not that we are are mad with one another. At times we find we need silence among each other is what we need. I guess this is the way we sort out our thoughts. Lately, Sebastian been coming to the balcony on the side of the palace.

I've never realized there was a balcony on the second floor facing the acres of land on the side of the palace. The palace is big enough as it is and we only use potions of it. There are wings and rooms I have no idea exist. One night I woke up to Sebastian gone and I followed the light of the hallways he had turned on to get to the balcony. When I made it to the glass doors he was reclining on the brick wall looking out towards the horizon.

He seemed to find comfort going there.

Tonight after I got out the shower and didn't find him laying on the bed, I knew where he went. He came in the afternoon real quiet like he normally gets when he's had a stressful day. After changing I went to the balcony and he was sitting down on the chair with a large blanket covering him. I close the door behind me and go over to him, sitting down on his lap. He picks up the blanket covering me all the way to my neck.

"You're going to get sick." He said tiredly.

"I'll be fine." I responded back, closing my eyes. All day today I wanted to feel his warmth. I don't know if girls get this way but there are days I wake up and want to be connected to the hip with Sebastian. I can't completely explain the feeling, all I can say is my body craves him to a point where I feel incomplete if I don't have him close.

He wrapped his arms underneath my breast, bringing me closer to him. And he has been wanting to have me close. Although we aren't good at expressing our feelings towards each other, I know a few gestures Sebastian does when he misses me. Hugging me to the point where I can't breathe tells me he's been needing to have me close and he's had a really long day.

A normal wife would ask what happened today, since he's been quiet, but if it's important he'll tell me if not, then probably a meeting went wrong, or he's stacked with paper work he doesn't want to do. He'll be fine though he always is.

Occasionally I'll ask, "Are you okay?" So he knows I am paying attention to how he acts around me.

"It's been a long day." He whispered in my ear.

"Mondays' are hectic."

"Everyday is hectic what are you talking about?" He chuckled. "I thought this past weekend we'd relax, yet we did the opposite. We came back tired than how we normally are." He sighed.

"Maybe we can escape during the holidays?"

"And go to Ireland?" He said with a smile on his face. He's been begging for months for us to take a trip to Ireland he says he's been dying to go since he was a kid.

I turned my head to the side to get a better view of him. "Or we can rent a cabin in Colorado far away from people."

"I like that." He leaned forward giving me a kiss on the corner of my lips.

"By the way, tomorrow I'll be in the hospital delivering toys to the kids." He closed his eyes again throwing his head back. I turn my self to the side and wrapped my arm around his neck. I started leaving wet kisses on the side of his jawline towards the center of his neck. When my lips ran over his collar bone he moaned quietly.

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