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I have been missing since October which is probably one of the longest absences I have taken since I started Wattpad. I started a new job around that time and I've been adulting since. I hardly find anytime to write since I'm juggling my job, my relationship, family, and life. I have forgotten writing wasn't something anyone force me to do it was my hobby, my alone time. I'm not going to stop writing, I simply can't say when I'll be uploading. I wish not to take me this long for updates and I'll do my best not to, just be assured chapters will be longer. For those who have stayed with me, I love you and thank you. Enjoy.


I came to the conclusion as teenagers we didn't trust each other, and we had every right not to. We were pulled into a relationship we didn't want and somehow we were suppose to make it work. Sebastian and I grew as individuals together, yet we continued to let our past dictate our future. I expected him to be everything everyone else wanted him to be, even when he opened up to me about wanting to be less than a King. He was force to believe his pure existence was made to be a ruler. I was fooled to also believing he was to. Now I understand I have never been fair with him. He needed me to see him past the title over his head and all this time I haven't. Subconsciously, I have tried seeing him as a normal guy, but there isn't any normality in his world. Would it have mattered if I saw him past his title? Maybe at the end, here was where we needed to be.

I had been mad at Sebastian thinking all he has filled in his head is air, however the truth is, in his head is the guy who has been dying to be exposed. I say he is back to being the Sebastian I know, yet he can't be the guy I knew. The old Sebastian would have never been able to have a deep conversation with me without yelling at one point. Sebastian is nowhere near the guy he was three months ago, or a year. It's the clearest I have seen him be. I spent to much of my life believing; I am not the day dreamer I used to be. Sebastian might have change to someone better but, I, have a bit more to go.

We stayed glued together with my head against his chest and his arms wrapped around me making me feel secure. I didn't want the moment to end, if I was able to stay in his arms for the remainder of my life I'd die happily. He never failed to stop the world from turning with his embrace and make all my worries go away.

"Please. don't cry anymore," he said, breaking the silence.

I stayed quiet, mostly because if I tried opening my mouth soft sobs were going to escape. I think a year worth of resentment and anger is pouring out all at once and having Sebastian cooing me in his arms wasn't going to help me stop. He wrapped his arms around me tighter, causing my face to bury inside his neck, and I sighed. How I wish we were this bright and calm when we were together. Our life's would have been much easier.

"You are going to have a tough time explaining to everyone why your eyes are puffy, plus do you want to look back at the wedding pictures and see yourself with swollen eyes?" I could feel the smirk ascending his lips. "Or what about the photos being sold to the magazines? I doubt you want people to see you like that,"

"Didn't you tell me not even five minutes ago I shouldn't care what people think about me?" I muttered, avoiding to look up at him.

"Touche, I thought-"

"Wait, did you say photos being sold to magazines?" I abruptly interrupted him, perplex by what he has said. "This isn't going to broadcast again is it?"

Sebastian shook his head, "reason why magazine companies pay a lot to be the first to release the pictures,"

"Sebastian, we can't be photographed together or seen together. The amount of drama and heat from the Royal Counsel and Libby would be immense."

The Tattooed Prince 2Where stories live. Discover now