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Hello my adorable readers! 

So, I have been recveving numerous messages saying a second part of Sebastian and Adalyn story isn't needed. And at first I agreed. Let them live happily every after you know but I was going bonkers not being able to write anything that I felt like I needed to come up with something. A few of you mention about doing a spin-off. Sebastian and Adalyn child, one which they had not written in the story. 

I think that works so much better than doing what I am doing here in TTP 2. I haven't full decided 100% if this is the best choice, but I feel like you guys would appreciate a spin-off than destroying the love Sebastian and Adalyn had. 

If you guys like the idea let me know, I have a story I had bene working on for a few weeks now, one I did for fun just to kill time during my break from exams. I wasn't going to post it but I can translate it into a spin off. I would be taking this story down and uploading the new story soon. 

So what do you guys think? Please, please let me know!

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