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The night passed by with Sophia and Tony dancing their first newlywed dance, to cutting the cake, and watching Sebastian's parents dancing on the dance floor. They had pretty slick moves for their age. I didn't notice how much more relax they were now without having responsibilities on their shoulders. You can say, they are breathing much more calmer now.

"Oh God no." Sebastian muttered under his breath. He slid down on his chair trying to hide himself from the mockery his parents were doing.

"What? They are dancing fine!" I chuckled, looking back at him. "They have good moves!"

He lowered his hand from his face, glaring at me. "They're embarrassing me! They've never embarrassed me before."

Oh. "Well, there is always a first time for everything dear."

"I'm leaving." He stood up from the chair and marched out the hall.

Rachel and Carlos were doing a dance move they announced was the wash. The best way to explain what the wash moves are is, you have to move your hips in a circular motion. Tony and Sophia were dancing along with them, enjoying themselves.

As much as I was enjoying watching my in-laws dancing, I decided to go look for Sebastian. Opening the door to our room, I found Sebastian face down on the bed. He had tossed his jacket on his desk, kicked off his shoes, and dived on top of the bed. I sit on the edge of the bed, realizing how tired I felt.

"You've followed me."

"Kind of my job too." I responded keeping my back towards him.

"I'm still mad at you." He stated, keeping his voice monotonously.

I know. "Let's talk about it." I kicked off my heels and scoot towards the headboard of the bed.

"You do understand I was joking around right?"

"No you weren't. You always make fun of me when I'm being corny with you." He shot back.

Okay...that might be slightly true. I tend to mock him everytime he says something corny. Then again, I'm not used to hearing him say nice things to me. He's still the Air-head Prince I learned to know when I first arrived, with the exception of the now less fights we have. Sebastian still has the same sour attitude he has been raised with.

"I'm sorry."

He sighed heavily. Picking himself up, he turned around and glared angrily at me.

"I don't want you to be sorry I want you to understand. Adalyn, I am different with you. Have you not notice how much I've change towards you since we were in high school? I'm more compassionate, I tend to have more patience with you, and not to mention I haven't failed to love you. So when you make fun of the way I am towards you, it pisses me off. I don't know if you enjoying me being the Air-head Prince or Sebastian because honey, they're two different people."

I've never seen it that way, Sebastian two different sides. He has his royal side, which he must have to be King. Then he has his personal side, the part of him only I was able to find. He could decide to be the Air-head Prince all the time like the old days, but he's not.

"I want you to be you. Plus, I don't want you comparing our relationship with the one you had with Madison." I snapped.

He chuckled, rolling his eyes at me. "Making you angry is the only way you understand. My relationship with her is nothing compared to the relationship I have with you. Or have you forgotten I've oath to spend the rest of my life with you? I promised to be there for you, through the good-"

"And the bad. To always be your right hand as The Queen, as your wife-" he smiled.

"As the mother of my future children. The only person I want to see for the rest of my life is you."

The Tattooed Prince 2Where stories live. Discover now