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For a girl who was given a fairy-tale story, I wish my happily-ever ended with Sebastian and I having kids and growing old together. Instead, I'm driving at midnight listening to break-up songs feeling so alone. I want to go home—where Sebastian would hold me and make me feel safe.

I pressed down on the phone button in my car and waited for the beep, "Call Sebastian Cortez," it was a stretch calling him; I wasn't sure if he was allowed to have his phone. However, I prayed he answer the phone and tell me everything is going to be okay.

"Hello," Libby's voice boomed in my car. My heart quickly sank to my feet; I didn't expect her to answer. "Hello? I am sorry, Sebastian is in the shower and he doesn't have this number saved,"

He doesn't have my number saved...okay. I hung up the phone and pulled aside on the road. What the fuck? For someone who said he wanted nothing to do with his ex-fling, it seems like he is doing the opposite. Then again, he has every right to be with whoever he wants, even if it is her. It's the same story, again.

A call popped up on my screen, Sebastian, and I hesitated on answering. I was hurt and angry, like any other girl, I am never done.

"Hello, Adalyn?" His sweet voice pulled on my heartstrings. "Is everything okay?"

I took a deep breath and nodded, "yeah, I didn't mean to cause any problems for you,"

"It isn't what you think," he responded. Of course it's not—I am always overreacting. Let's see what little lie he was going to give me this time. "Libby came to talk to me but found me in the shower at the same time you were calling,"

"Sebastian, you don't owe me an explanation. I see it was a mistake to call you,"

"I do, Adalyn. What's wrong? Why did you call me this late? It's around midnight there is it not?"

"Yeah, but I am okay. I am going to let you go," I said quietly.

He sighed, "I am here, talk to me," he pleaded with me. I can't talk to him about how lonely I feel or how Sophia is mad at me, when he is around Libby. I don't feel comfortable talking about those things with him.

"I wanted to hear your voice, but I remember I have an important meeting in the morning," I lied. "I have to go, have a good day," I hanged up in him before he had a chance to say anything else.

The call was under fifteen minutes but it was enough time for me to drive to Mateo's place. I had told myself to stay away and give him time to think, tonight I was being selfish and needed him. I was holding by a thin-thread and it was becoming visibly clear why Sebastian would choose alcohol as a mean to forget.

Was Mateo going to answer his door this late? I hope so. After ringing his doorbell three times, I waited patiently for him to open the door. When I was getting ready to press the doorbell again, the door open and Mateo stood there in sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Adalyn-" I wrapped my arms around his torso, refusing to let go. "What's wrong?" He asked, hugging me back.

"I need a hug, a very long hug," I whispered. He pulled me in and closed the door behind me.

With one hand he ran his hand over my hair, soothing me. He didn't say anything letting me find comfort in his presence. My brain was quick to compare how Mateo would never hurt me like Sebastian, and I shot down those thoughts. Mateo is not Sebastian—he will never compare to the airhead prince. Mateo was better than him.

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