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I waited for Sebastian to return to the palace with fume puffing out of his ears. Most of the day I loathed in my office like a coward waiting for him to figure out Libby was gone. Santiago tried to keep me company part of the day but I asked for him to leave. I didn't want him to be here when it all came tumbling down. If it were up to me I would want everyone to leave the place and let Sebastian and I argue in peace, but that is impossible. By the end of the night everyone around us will know I got rid of Libby and Ian.

I'll be the bad guy in their eyes.

I realized something about myself, it's hard to keep secrets away from Sebastian. Although I have been hiding it from him for hours inside it feels like it's been years. My head screams out to tell him the truth about what I did and my heart knows he'll find out soon enough. Either way it is eating me away and the sense of dread has been lingering around me. Even if I try telling myself I did the right thing I feel like the outcome will be my punishment for trying to fix our problem.

The sudden slam of a door echoed through the palace and that was my sign he was back. He bellowed with Officer Ron ordering him to find out where she had been taken. He wanted to know who had the audacity to send Libby and Ian away. I pushed myself up the chair and walked out the office towards his yells. A few maids were standing around the corner peeping on what the commotion was about. As soon as they saw me they apologized and scattered down the hall.

My heart was beating against my chest rapidly probably trying to escape out of my body. My stomach was in a tight knot suddenly what I believed was a good thing felt sour in my mouth. What if I did do a mistake? What if sending Libby away wasn't the brightest thing to do and I put Ian in danger for doing it? Deep down all these question, the second guessing myself was a way to make myself feel worse about the situation. Before even sending Ian to out the country I made sure he was stable enough to be taken. Officer Ron agreed with my decision so what I did wasn't wrong. Yet, everything within me felt ashamed for what I have done.

"What's the commotion about?" I asked him.

Sebastian turned to look at me. "Someone knows about Libby and Ian and they sent them away. They were checked out of the hospital and I can't get a hold of Libby." He said anguished.

"Are you sure Ian didn't get discharged?"

He shook his head. "The nurse was forbidden to tell me where they were transferred too. Authority like that can only be made by-"

The doors open and Carlos and Rachel walked in. I had forgotten about them returning to the palace tonight. It hadn't crossed my mind they would be back by the time Sebastian found out Libby was missing. Sebastian stormed towards them.

"Where the hell did you send her!" Sebastian yelled angrily.

For a moment I thought he was going to put his hands on his parents, he stopped a few feet away glaring at them. Rachel and Carlos gave him a confused look unaware of what was going on.

"What are you talking about?" Carlos asked him.

"You sent Ian away for the country!"

Carlos and Rachel looked at each other. "She broke her contract it wasn't us who took her away, there were strict rules she had to follow and she knew her punishment of returning. If she left, she did it on her own." Rachel commented.

Sebastian shook his head in disbelief. "She wouldn't have left because I promised her with my own life i wouldn't have anyone threatening her! You two are the only ones who have authorization to banned someone! Only you have the audacity to do something like this to me." His voice cracked in the end.

Rachel eyes met mine and I quickly looked away. I couldn't find it within me to reveal what I had done. If he is upset thinking his parents sent her away, I can only imagine how he will react when he finds out I was the one who did it. My gesture told Rachel it was me who had done it. She was a smart women if they weren't the ones who did something like this it could only have been me. I have authority to banned someone as well, but Sebastian would never point fingers at me, he think I don't have what it takes to do something like that. He believes I am not heartless.

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