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People get tired of running, it's obvious there comes a time when you have to ask yourself how much longer are you going to keep running away from your own fears. I planned on running for the rest of my life or at least I wanted too. Sitting in an airplane with Mateo, while he is distraught by his actions, made me realize I was as deep as he was.

To me, months had simply passed by but it has been past a year since I left. My niece was on the verge of being two years old and I have never met her in person. I'm still stuck in the reckless phase when my heart is trying to move on. I've been running in circles, never landing anywhere new, always in the same dark place.

Mateo left Zakarette to find out who he truly wanted to be at least it was the excuse he used. He left because heartbreak makes you do crazy things. While others can walking away from their significant other or people can only drag out the breaking up process.

"I was being a coward. The pressure got to me, my relationship had fallen apart and I still had to pretend like everything was fine. I got tired of being a Prince."He sighed, resting his head on the window. "It's not good enough excuse for dragging her heart around when I didn' love her anymore."

"My parents don't know we broke up, Gisele didn't want them to know either. Since we are a small country my parents don't pay much attention to the tabloids. Gisele leaked the photos of the charity event and the recent pictures and they lost their shit." He semi-chuckled. "Gisele is a goddess for my parents and they never realized how much she changed. How bitter she became."

"Do you blame yourself?"

He bit down on his bottom lip. "Sometimes, when I remember the girl she used to be, I wonder if my lifestyle changed her. Now, I understand it wasn't me who changed her, she simply changed. You were brought into a Royal lifestyle and as much as you molded yourself to be what they wanted you to be, you haven't lost your true self. I find it to be amazing." He smiled.

"I think not everyone is meant to be a Royal, including myself. I understand clearly, a Royal Lifestyle is difficult, it could be this is what she needed so you could see her true colors."

"And they are horrible. All she cares about is the publicity and the fame. You'd think instead of throwing the pictures to my parents she'd go completely public."

I don't think he wants her to go public, I don't. My name was going to be dragged across sea and land if she did. "I don't think it was the brightest idea for you to bring me along. You have your hands full arriving back home and I don't need to be in the middle of it."

"Yeah, I have to admit hasn't been one of my brightest plans. I can have you checked in at a hotel while I sort things out. Once I do we can head back to Los Angeles." He responded, giving me a small smile.

"Actually, I think I want to go to Barcelona and visit my sister." Delilah is upset with me already for not going to Barcelona when I told her I was. If she finds out I was on this side of the world and not visit her, she's going to disown me.

I don't think I can prepare myself for returning back to Spain, it simply needs to happen. I'll never be able to forget the memories from there or the people I grew close with. Sebastian is the King of Spain and it is something not going to change for a long time.

"Okay, we can do that. If you can wait for me to fix this mess with my parents, I'd like to go with you."

I fidget around my thumbs, debating whether or not, to be honest with him. Although I have enjoyed his company, going back home to my family was a trip I wanted to take alone or at least the Barcelona portion. Mateo's hands are tied here and there is no point for me to sit in a hotel room waiting for him to fix his problems.

"It's better if I go to Barcelona alone, this situation needs to be dealt properly and not in a few hours. When you sort everything out call me and you can come to Barcelona. I don't feel comfortable staying here. Crazy ex-girlfriends are a thing I dealt with ad wish not to deal with again. I can take the next flight to Barcelona once we land."

"It's hard to get planes out to Barcelona especially on a late notice. Stay for the night at the hotel and in the morning I will have a jet sort out for you."

I nodded. "Okay."

Our arrival to the hotel was quiet, I felt as if I was breaking up with Mateo and he was dropping me off for good. Of course, we weren't breaking up (cause we aren't a couple) and I'll see him soon, right? I wasn't harsh when I told him to meet up later? I wasn't feeling forced to stay here and wait for him but I felt bad for leaving. I learned the hard way to not stick around conflicts which didn't involve me.

Mateo grabbed a room for me and he escorted me to my room. I was jetlagged and wanted to go straight to bed, yet sleep was going to be the last thing I was doing. During our flight, Sophia, Delilah, and Santiago decided to call me and leave voicemails. I was planning on calling back. I had an idea of why they were calling.

I walked into the presidential suite with Mateo and he dropped my suitcase in my room, while I sat down on the couch tiredly.

"I'm going to get my officer to get a jet ready for you tomorrow, as soon as I know the details I will send them over to you. If you need anything don't hesitate to call me. The front desk will be checking up on you if you need anything. There is room service and if you need a vehicle for the day, one will be provided for you."

I couldn't help but chuckle softly at him. He hadn't said anything funny to me, it was the sense of caring and kindness Mateo leaked out, I found reassuring. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his torso.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

Anyone else assumes I am using Mateo to forget Sebastian, but I am not, Mateo isn't the rebound like he claims he will be. The reality is no guy is ever going to replace Sebastian and I am aware I don't need to find someone to take Sebastian's place. There were things I hate about him and there are things I loved. All I need is to find someone to love me, a little bit harder, a little bit stronger than Sebastian did.

I've been surrounded with people who care about me and Mateo isn't an exception. I don't know if there is something developing between us or even if we are meant to be. I choose not to carve at what can be if life decides to make Mateo the one to give a chance to be with, then I will. Or if life throws a healthier Sebastian into my life than I'll accept it. Other than that, I need to continue to forgive myself for my wrongs and stop running away.

I've had my run, it is time to go home.


I have had negative comments and positive comments about Mateo and Adalyn, the truth is guys, I'm the writer. People move on. The book is still revolving around the Tattooed Prince, you just have to be patient for him to come back. The book has always revolved around Adalyn POV and this is her life.

Other than that, I'd recommend continuing to read, because this book has a lot of potentials, we are about to go into a drop of the book where things are going to hit the fan. Remember to always expect the unexpected with me;)

Love you guys.


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