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She was glowing and everyone in the baby shower could see it. Delilah had magically popped a rounded watermelon belly. She waddled around the courtyard, welcoming her guest. We had arrived earlier this morning just in time to help set up the decorations. Sebastian had went off with Esther to get a few things done before the baby shower and I stayed behind to help Delilah welcome her friends. You would think a girl like her wouldn't have many friends but her social group was pretty big.

Some of Esther cousins and friends flew in. Delilah invited some of her friends from the schools she participated in for fundraisers. The baby shower had came along nicely. I sat in the last row of table keeping myself low from the attention of the guest. Today was her day and I didn't want everyone to be so wrapped up with the thought of having Spain's Queen present at the baby shower. A few tabloids were here covering the baby shower. Regardless of their title Esther and Delilah are the first in twenty-three years to welcome a baby into the Cortez Family.

"Queen Adalyn, could you answer a few questions for us?" A reporter asked me.

"Yeah of course, take a seat." I smiled.

She pulled out a chair and sat next to me. In her hand she had a tablet and a pen.

"How do you feel about your sister being pregnant?"

"I'm pretty happy. She's really excited to welcome her baby to the world." I responded.

"Sources tell us the Royal Counsel was expecting for you to have conceive by now. It's usual for a Princess in general to become pregnant after marriage. King Sebastian and you, have been married almost four years now and have not brought a next heir."

Her statement caught me off guard. Who were these sources telling her the Royal Counsel was expecting me to get pregnant? Sebastian promised me there wasn't any pressure for us to have a baby.

"Um. I- we. We feel the moment isn't right to have a baby. Our hands are tied up with our duties and we haven't really had time to discuss about a baby." I lied.

"Interesting. Do you want to have kids?" She was asking me these obvious questions. Of course I want to have a child! It's all I have been wanting for the last few months.

"Of course. When the time is right I'll be pregnant." I tried to answer her back with a smile.

"It's understandable. Do you have any encouraging words for your sister?"

"I wish her the best in her new stage in life, I'm as excited as she is for the welcoming of my niece. If you excuse me, my husband just arrived." I quickly said getting up from the chair.

Sebastian was standing by the entrance of the courtyard with Esther. The moment he saw me walking towards him he knew something was wrong. The urge to burst into sobs itched my throat. I don't know whether I felt offended or hurt about the interview. She was blunt with the question as she didn't care at all if she were to offend me.

I past Sebastian grabbing his hand in the process and dragged him into the palace.

"What's wrong?" He kept saying as we went down the hall. By then, tears were streaming down my face.

"Adalyn, what's wrong?" He asked again. He stopped walking and turned me around.

"Why are you crying?"

"Why didn't you tell me the Royal Counsel was pestering us to have a baby?" I demanded.

"What are you talking about?"

"A reporter was interviewing me and they said the Royal Counsel was insisting for us to have a baby! I thought you said they didn't care, this decision was suppose to be one made together not another one of the stupid rules we have to follow!" I inhaled deeply, feeling the anxiousness of not being able to catch my entire breath. I turned into a complete mess  in matter of seconds; the topic in general is sore to me.

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