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It wasn't easy moving on, there were days when all I wanted to do was stay in bed and wallow about how there wasn't anything out there for me. While other days, I would prepare my bags and convince myself I was ready to leave Spain. Every morning I'd take a deep breathe and mustered the courage to take a step forward and not look back. There wasn't a revelation moment like in the movies where the girl mourns for month until she sees slumping around all day isn't going to fix her. Sebastian didn't show up at my door begging me to come back nor do I run back to the palace asking him to forgive me for running off.

Prince Charming and Cinderella didn't live happily-ever after in my version.

Sebastian didn't bother calling me during my time in Barcelona, except for the morning after arriving there. I'd catch myself at night staring at his last message I love you, Ade. and tears would fill my eyes, the hurt filling the void in my heart all over again. I wished things didn't end this way, I wished he'd take back all the hurtful comments and admit he was wrong. He got taken over by his emotions of his new found son, he neglected his responsibilities and me. All he had to do was admit, yet his pride was too big for him to confess it.

The re-reads of messages turned to me deleted one message after another, until I decided to delete our entire old conversations, by then all that was left was the single I love you, Ade. Regardless of the times I read the single phrase my heart would shatter again and again. When I deleted our conversation from my phone a sense of relief washed over me. There wasn't a way for me to continue to victimize myself over again with the statement. My heart finally had a chance to mend itself without having to shatter again.

I wondered for sometime why he didn't decide to call me or message me. His cries for me not to leave haunted me at times. I'd be in the study reading a book and from the distance his voice would ring in my ear begging me to stay. A part of me knew why he didn't come after me, he thought I'd return to him. The other part of me understood his feelings and his place where somewhere else and there wasn't room for me.

The Royal Counsel released statements of my absence during openings, gala's, or attendance. They stated to magazines I travelled to Barcelona to attend to Delilah with her pregnancy and be there when she welcomed the first Royal Baby in twenty-years. Magazines didn't disclose it was them but sources was enough for me to know it was them. They wanted to assure the country Spain's rulers were as strong as ever. It wasn't until pictures of Libby and Sebastian emerged on the internet I realized why Sebastian didn't bother contacting. Officer Ron gave Sebastian the location of Libby and he brought them back to Spain. Many pictures were leak of them having coffee at deli's and Sebastian going with her to the hospital.

The public didn't know about Ian yet, they were focusing on who the mystery women was. It wasn't long until the media pieced the puzzle together and saw the deeper meaning to what really was going on. I figured by the time everyone found out Sebastian was single and seeing someone, the media coverage was going to sky rocket.

Truth be told, the day Delilah gave birth I wasn't able to leave the palace from the numerous source medias waiting outside the gates to speak to me. My voicemail was full of media asking for private interviews and questions about the speculation of divorce between Sebastian and I.

Delilah didn't deserve to deal with my problems and no one cared about her birth. After all this was her big moment to introduce everyone to the new baby and without physically telling her goodbye, I wrote her a long message:

I can't believe your little bundle of joy is here! I wish I would've been there to see her in person but you didn't need the paparazzi pressuring you while you were going into labor. I wanted to tell thank you for letting me stay with you these last few months. You did your best to keep me busy and without you I wouldn't have ben able to leave my bed at times. By the time you receive this message I will be long gone, I want you to get the spotlight you deserve, especially with your blessing. I made my decision to leave the Royal family behind and for my sake it's best I left the country. I can't promise you I'll return back, but once I get myself settled you're more than welcome to come visit me. I love you D.

Sooner or later the day was going to come when everyone was going to find out the truth between Sebastian and I. Personally, I decided to have a separate home ready for when the news became known. I didn't want to be in Spain getting bothered by media nor did I want Esther and Delilah facing the daily torture of my separation.

I made a list of places I wanted to live in and randomly picked out of the four from a jar. Los Angeles won and without much thought I looked for a house and found the perfect one for me. Leaving Barcelona wasn't easy for me, Delilah was all I had now and leaving her behind broke my heart. I was all by myself now.

I had hired a interior designer and she bought furniture and accessories to fit my personality. I asked her to make the house feel as homey as possible. When I arrived to my new home a part of me didn't feel alone. There were pictures of Delilah, Sophia, and my friends and I around the house reassuring me they were out there. I could be thousands miles away but they were always a phone call away.

Don't get me wrong I was afraid being in a country around people who lived differently than me. I thought people would recognize me but no one did, for the first time since I became a Royal I felt normal. Transitioning from a Royal back to a commoner was easy, staring a new life in Los Angeles was the chapter in my book that had been torn out years ago.

For a month I was truly happy with my new home and the small schedule I had going for myself. I felt like a normal person again. Delilah would face time me twice a week to show me my niece and to catch up on what's going on. I found Los Angeles life was to die for. It was the freedom I wanted for so long. Everything was great until someone noticed who I was and paparazzi began to harass me.

The found out where I lived and kept a close eye on me. If I left my house they'd follow me, if my interior designer Emily (who I had become close to) and I went out at night I would see myself on social media's talking about how I had rebelled out against the Royal Family causing Sebastian to find love else where.

Believe me, every article, post, social media, and celebrity thoughts pointed me to be the bad guy. Queen Adalyn was always a rebel, I cheated, or I pushed Sebastian away. It wasn't until paparazzi released photos of Sebastian, Libby, and Ian at the beach, I lost my shit.

Here I was, trying to avoid publicity and he had no worry showing Libby and Ian off with more than half a year since we separated. I didn't want fingers to keep being pointed at me anymore, I wouldn't continue being the bad-guy. I called Sophia and asked her to fly into Los Angeles and meet me at my house.

I had spoken to here after she cam back from her honeymoon, she wanted clear details on how my marriage went down the drain in a two- week span. After I explained everything to her she left the palace and went to Barcelona to assist Delilah. She said the palace didn't feel like home without me.

She promised she would always be my Officer and when the pictures of Sebastian little family came to light, I needed Officer Sophia. When she arrived to my house the Saturday night, with tired eyes she sat on the couch and listened to what I had to say.

"You sure this is what you want to do?" She asked me worriedly. "Something like this would be chaos."

"I'm done being the bad person. I loved my country and I refuse to have my name tainted over her." I spat angrily. "Sebastian doesn't care about me nor will I care about what happens to him. I have hid from the paparazzi for the last six months because I didn't want to be put out there and Royal Counsel nor Sebastian has a problem being publicly open."

"They have a reputation and figure to live up too. He is the King and in the era we live in divorce is a common thing. You and I didn't think the country of Spain would react as calmly as they did-"

"They reacted as calmly as they did because they think I cheated, they think I abandon Sebastian when it was him. They don't know Ian is his, they don't know He is the one who fucked up."

"Look, I don't need a speech, I need to know if you have my back." I stared at her.

She took in a deep breath. "Let's do it then. Accept Good Morning America Interview and defend yourself."



If you guys didn't know Adalyn was being played by Vanessa Hudgens and with a mature (six month difference) Adalyn I decided to change her persona into Gal Gadot. 

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