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The ride to the spring lake was a roller coaster ride, neither of us had said anything since we left the palace and the silence had drowned us in a pool of awkwardness. When we tried talking we would speak at the same time only to bring back the silence.

Sebastian chuckled in embarrassment. "This is awkward," he confessed, giving me a quick glance. "don't you think?"

"Yeah," I responded, chuckling quietly. "it was never difficult to speak to each other,"

He nodded. "then again we never bothered listening to one another,"

Right, we were good at yelling at each other. Speaking with indoor voices had been thrown out the window a long time ago. Although Sebastian and I didn't fight as much as when we were younger, we always had disagreements. The only time we didn't fight was when we were sleeping with one another or when we felt being lovable with each other. His words always slipped in one ear and left through the other one.

"We were tough on each other back then," I simply said, keeping my eyes forward towards the road. "we were good at butting heads," my voice became small.

Our memories were locked somewhere in the depths of my brain and thinking about all the good and bad times together brought a sadness. There was so much of the good as the bad which made being next to him again bittersweet.

"Yeah, good thing we aren't like that anymore. Or at least I am not. I have changed," he tried to reassure me.

"I believe you," I turned to face his side. "I have changed too. I'm not the girl you met and I'm certainly not the girl I was when I left the palace,"

"I believe you," he responded quietly. "I've seen where you been and the people you have met. I know you're in a better place mentally and physically. You're living your best life."

"If that is what you believe then why do you sound sad about it?" The words slipped right out of my mouth. "don't answer that," I quickly said. I clicked my tongue, getting ready to throw myself out of the car. Great job, Adalyn. Put him in an awkward situation.

"Truthfully? I wanted us to live our best life, together," He responded. His hands tighten their grip on the steering wheel. "but I managed to ruin what we had. I ruined a lot of things for me,"

I didn't want to put him in a bad mood or in a sentimental situation. I don't think today was the time to bring up the past nor try to talk about ourselves, yet what did I expect? For us to pretend like we never were together? Was he suppose to talk about Linda and me of Mateo?

There were many things left unsaid and we needed closure, but I wasn't ready to speak about it. My heart wasn't capable of handling another Sebastian situation.

"We shouldn't be bringing these things up," I whispered.

"I know, but I want too,"

"We have been done for a long time, Sebastian. If we sit here and talk about how unfair we were with each other we will open up old wounds. It has taken me months to find my peace,"

"Sorry," he said sympathetically. "I see you are dating someone, you look happy,"

I chuckled, he thought bringing up Mateo was going to make the situation better? Air-head Prince, you don't learn.

"I don't," he smiled. "I'd be lying if I said I don't want to know more in detailed what you have been doing. I want to know you're perfectly fine. That's all I want."

"I never was good at keeping my thoughts to myself," I giggled. He shook his head. "I'm good, Sebastian. I have traveled to places I never thought I'd visit. I have grown as an individual, it's hard to recognize myself sometimes. I was confined to a palace and when I saw the outside world a whole new happiness appeared. I love what I am doing,"

Besides my problem of wanting to be with Mateo but pushing myself away from actually doing it, traveling and exploring was my happiness. I hadn't been as content and excited in my life. I was happy with Sebastian and my heart was at ease, however, something was always missing.

"Mateo, the guy you've been seeing me in pictures, he's a friend,"

"A friend?" He smirked. "okay,"

I rolled my eyes, "he likes me,"

"And you like him?" he questioned me.

I opened my mouth ready to speak, "...."I hesitated.

"You can tell me the truth, it's okay,"

"I...I want too. It's hard though,"

I hadn't realized we arrived at the spring lake, Sebastian had parked next to Esther's car. I cut our conversation short by getting out the car, not giving Sebastian enough time to ask me why. It doesn't matter why it's hard to like Mateo, my tone of voice had said it all. How could I possibly date Mateo when liking another guy seems so wrong, yet Sebastian had no trouble being with Linda.

I didn't bother to wait for Sebastian. I hurried towards the edge of the cliff which you had to dive to get into the spring lake unless you hiked down. I noticed the sound of laughter coming from down the lake and assumed they had decided to hike down. Once I got closer to the cliff, random clothing were hurled by the edge of the cliff. It took me a moment to realized it was my friends' clothes. Looking down, everyone was swimming in the lake.

"Wow, you guys dived in?" I yelled, amused by their little stunt. During this season people hardly came to get into the spring lake. So stripping down and jumping off the cliff wasn't a bad idea.

"About time you showed up! Jump in, the water is amazing!" Helen laughed.

"Aren't you scared of getting sick?"

She shook her head. "Come on,"

"Don't worry about leaving your clothes up there, we have guards around the perimeter, Sebastian is a liability," Esther said sarcastically.

"C'mon you know you have to have guards around, not just cause I am here," Sebastian yelled behind me.

He startled me and he apologized. "We can hike down if you don't want to get in," he suggested.

"Like I said, I have changed," I smiled, slipping off my boots. He looked at me stunned as I stripped down to my panties and bra. It was as if I was wearing a bathing suit. "I'm living my best life,"

Without much thought, I made a dash towards the edge and jumped off.

I've been living my best life, but it would've been better if you were with me. 


I have been debating for awhile rewriting The Tattooed Prince, mostly because I want to publish it, but also because I always felt I could've written more and wanted more things to happen. How would you guys feel about me rewriting the story? The only change I want to make is why they got into an arranged marriage and add a few chapters to the story. My goal is to turn the book into a series. With that being said, leave your thoughts. I was a teen when I first wrote TTP and I believe it can be a much greater and unique book. 

I am also looking for covers for TTP and TPP2 if you guys want to give it a shot feel free to DM your covers! I will be posting all the up and giving full credit to the maker;)

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