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"I thought you said this was going to be a small wedding ceremony." I titled my head to the side, taking in the bridesmaid dress Delilah had picked out for me. It was a mint-green mermaid dress with a small train. The dress flattered my curves and the sweetheart neckline wasn't to low. It was a gorgeous dress for a wedding, yet it seemed too out there for a small wedding.

"Are you really questioning the dress?" Delilah asked, disappointed in me for even thinking such a thing. To her it was perfect and I can't disagree it is, however my gut is telling me this isn't going to be a small wedding.

Sophia, Helen, and Candace stepped out of the dressing room with the dresses on. My lips were parted slightly as I looked at them in awe, they looked gorgeous. Delilah considered us close friends and wanted us to take part of her ceremony. She had everything planned, including the dresses she wanted us to wear. Apparently, she had guessed all our dress sizes correctly, but I had a feeling Sophia had something to do with it.

"I am in love with the color! I think it's perfect for my theme!" She clapped her hands together excitedly. I peeked my head out to look over to Sophia who had the same perplex look as all of us.

Royal wedding didn't have themes, genuinely the goal was to keep it simple and elegant. However, our simple and elegant wasn't in the same category as commoners definition. While people go for themes we go for the natural flowers and the bigger the decorations are the better. To hear Delilah say she was having a theme threw me off, she really was doing the wedding to accommodate what she likes. No wonder she's super excited about it.

"What's your theme?" Helen asked, giving me a quick glance.

"Winter land." She moved her hands apart, leaving invisible space between them as if the word was appearing in front of us. "I wanted to be completely winter to have the them work but fall will do." She shrugged.

"Mint is not a fall color." Sophia commented, keeping her lips sucked in, hoping she wasn't going to upset Delilah.

"True, but it's my wedding. So I'll do it how I want."

Fair enough, we shouldn't be commenting anything about it. If she's happy with what she is doing than who are we to tell her other wise. I turned around again to look at myself in the mirror, the dress was gorgeous. I turned my body to the side, seeing how the dress molded my butt.

"Well, I think these dresses are to die for." I glanced at Delilah giving her a wink of approval.

I was on my way back to the dressing room when my phone began to go off. Delilah walked over with my bag and I grabbed my phone. Mateo's name was on the screen. Shit. I forgot to call or answer his text message last night.
"Hello," I answered, turning the other way so my back would be facing the girls.

"Hey, I am calling to see if you are okay? You didn't answer my text message last night." He said, sounding hurt by my lack of communication skills. "If I'm bothering you too much you can tell me."

"No, no, it's not like that. Yesterday was a bit strange my sister had a few surprises for me. Turns out she's renewing her vows this weekend and I'm being a bridesmaid." I chuckled nervously.

"Oh! That's good right? I'm glad to hear you're okay. I was worried."

My heart skipped a beat. I can hear the kindness of his heart and he cares about me. It made me feel bad for not calling him last night. After the girls and I caught up we all went to dinner in the city and we arrived late to the palace. This morning I saw his message but I was trying to hurry up and get ready to go try in the dresses. I've been busy.

"Yeah! You should come." I bit down on my lip, feeling nervous about his answer. "I-I mean if you're able too." I stuttered. "I know you're a busy man."

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