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Adalyn Point Of View:

As much as I like Mateo being in a relationship is a step I'm not ready to take. Deep down, the time will come when I will have to let someone in who isn't Sebastian, right now, isn't the time to do so. My heart is filled with bitterness and if I continue to walk down on the path I am, I will be exactly like Sebastian, finding a way to forget everything. 

Mateo is a great guy and we are around each other most of the time, it was impossible to not grow fond of each other. Thankfully, we understand at this moment it's not the time to pursue a relationship. He seems to have grown a lot since the start of this and I might have stayed on the same page. At least I'm able to admit it to myself, I might have found the will power to forgive Sebastian and The Royal Family, I just haven't gotten to the point to actually act on it. 

Mateo leaned forward and pressed his lips to my forehead. "Don't overthink about it. I won't force you to go to Spain if you don't feel ready." 

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you," I whispered. "But wouldn't us not going meant we are running away?" 

"Nah, you aren't running Adalyn. You are trying to grow and if returning stops you from doing such a thing, you return back when you feel ready." 

I nodded. Delilah and Esther will not be happy about me not going to visit them, I'd probably hear them talk about it for awhile, yet it seemed better than physically going. If they miss me that much, they can come and visit me. My original plan was to go from Cancun back to Los Angeles to spend some time back home, now, I want to go somewhere else. Possibly stay in Cancun another few days to fully enjoy my stay. 

"How about we go into one of the clubs in the hotel?" Mateo suggested as we continued our walk towards the hotel. A small smirk spread across my lips, it had been a very long time since I stepped foot in a club. 

"You don't have to try and convince me, I am in." I turned around to show him my eager smile. 

He laughed. "Do you know how to dance?" 

I waved my hand side to side. "Kind of, didn't really go out much when I was younger, but I did attend many galas which dancing was involved." 

"Okay, have you danced nonformal without the curtsy and slow dancing." 

I bit down on my lower lip. Was he talking about dancing salsa, bachata, hip-hop, or any other non-traditional dancing? No. "No, although Sophia and I watched many musical movies and there was dancing involved." 

Mateo chuckled. "I'll teach you how to dance." He offered. 

"Okay, but you can't make fun of me if I suck at dancing," I warned him. 


Mateo and I learned something that night, I didn't suck at dancing. The hotel had four different clubs with each club playing different kinds of music. Randomly we chose one and ended up in a Latin Club. As we entered the club, my eyes fell upon the numerous people dancing in the middle of the club. 

"This is a salsa song, watch how they move around, it's quite easy," Mateo said in my ear. I wasn't the type to learn from watching people. Sebastian had to physically show me how to dance rather than explaining it to me. 

This time it was different, the sound of the music was flowing through my body. I was getting the rhythm of the music, by simply watching the people dance with their partner I got an idea of how to dance. Mateo grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. He didn't even bother trying to explain to me how to dance. We synched our moves and we were dancing together to the rhythm of the music. 

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