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*Explicit Scene/ Language.*

The problem with myself was, every time my eyes met Sebastian's everything I felt goes away. All I feel is hope—but there should not be hope for us. Even if he did change, it doesn't change how much he hurt me. Sometimes you have to accept the truth—I will probably never get over Sebastian. Yet, for the last few months I have been trying to.  I can't let a weekend of spending time with Sebastian reopen wounds, although some wounds have been opened, I don't have to finish opening them all. Sebastian wanted closure for himself and I; it is time for us to move forward—without each other.

"Adalyn..." his soft voice broke me from my thoughts. "last night, when I said, I was going to fix things back in Madrid and get you back, I meant it," he licked his lips. "However, seeing Mateo here, it made me realize you are trying to move on and giving each other hope for an 'us' won't do any good for you,"

"So, you rather see me with someone else?" I asked.

"I want to see you with anyone who makes you happy," he smiled, his brown-eyes sparkling under the faint lights.

Someone explain to me how Sebastian and I will be able to move on and have separate partners? How can we pretend as if we didn't go through hell and back together? I want to see him happy, too—with only me. That's selfish of me to say, he deserves to be happy with anyone.

I came to the conclusion, I cannot live my life intertwined with his, if so, I will never be happy with anyone. Every time I find myself right in front of him, I'll risk any relationship for him—that is how much of an idiot I am. Mateo or any guy for that matter doesn't deserves to go through the pain of seeing the girl they like still love their ex-partner.

"I want you to be happy too," I replied, looking away from him. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

"I will always love you,"

"Fuck you," I whispered. "I'm tired of the goodbyes," I took a stepped back and looked at him. "I don't need another go around of yesterday's conversation. I get where your feelings stand, now these are where mines stand,"

I walked away from him, past the wandering eyes. I didn't bothered looking for Mateo, he had left when Sebastian kissed my forehead. There was no point for me to run after him, I warned him about getting hurt. He was persistent on staying around; this wasn't going to end up in a happy-ever after.

I rushed up the stairs and made it to the room. Leaning against the wall, I let a small whimper escape my lips. This shit fucking sucks. I don't want to deal with guy problems or with my emotions.


I opened the door quickly, "Sebastian, I already told you—"

My brain took a moment to react to what was happening—Sebastian's lips were pressed on mine. His hand rested below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek as I returned the slow and soft kiss. I pulled him inside the room and closed the door behind us. He pressed his body against mine forcing me to lean against the door for support. He pressed his tongue to the seam of lips and, I slightly opening my mouth, feeling his tongue fighting with mine.

Sebastian hands roamed down my waist and my arms locked around his neck, deepening the kiss. All at once I wanted to taste every part of him, as he wanted to taste me. We began to breathe heavily, neither one of us ready to depart from each other. My hands grabbed the edges of his jacket, it fell to the floor as my hands began to unbutton his shirt.

Suddenly, he departed from me and I refused to look at him. He kissed me—I kissed him back. I thought Sebastian was going to say something or stop me from undressing him, he did neither. As the shirt opened and his skin became exposed, I gasped, there was hardly any visible skin. I hesitantly looked up at him and I was met with desire and lust in his eyes.

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