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His whole demeanor was different, he was smiling in a way I had never seen in my life. It almost made me cry from how happier he looked. He didn't have dark bags under his eyes and he didn't carry a stench of alcohol. I was able to smell the soft cologne he loved wearing since high school.

"Sorry, I-I thought you were Delilah." I stuttered and tried to get my composure back yet I failed miserably by stuttering even more. This caused me to get a small chuckle from him.

"They left ten minutes ago. Delilah was talking about getting her dress and Esther went with her." He simply said, continuing to prepare his coffee.

"And Camilla?"

"Candace and Helen took her with them to brunch."

I stood in the middle of kitchen unable to move a muscle while he moved around freely. Unfazed by my presence. He must have caught on what was happening with me because he stopped making his coffee and met my gaze again.

"I'm not going to bite you. You can have a seat, I can prepare you a coffee too." He chuckled, not waiting for me to respond he began to make me a cup of coffee.

"Is that a good idea?" I blurted out.

His smile disappeared and it was replaced by a frown. "Unless you don't want to join me for coffee, I don't see it being a bad idea. If you're uncomfortable with me being-"

"No." I motioned my hands side to side. "you're not making uncomfortable it just a new scenery for me to take in."

"Oh," he rolled his eyes. "I deserve that reaction from you. By eleven o'clock I would be having my third drink."

I walked over to the counter and took a seat. "Yeah, you look great." I confessed, giving him a reassuring smile.

"I feel great. Been alcohol free for about two months now." He said proudly, keeping his eyes on the cup he was stirring sugar too. "Do you still like your coffee with two teaspoons of sugar and no milk?"

I nodded. "Good, I was afraid I had made it wrong." He laughed at himself. I giggled with him, he would've never laughed at himself over something so small.

Drunk Sebastian was angry all the time and any little thing would set him off. It got so intense no one wanted to speak to him in fear he was going to lash out. I did my best not to ask him to do anything for me because he always felt like I wasn't happy with the outcome.

Watching him prepare coffee and talk to me as an old friend, settled down my nerves.

He handed me my coffee and he took a seat across from me. "So, tell me how's life?"

I took a sip of my coffee and placed the cup down, unsure of what to tel him and what to keep to myself. "It's good I can't complain. What about you?" I kept my answers short and simple. If he wanted to know in detail about my life I'm sure he'd ask.

"Well," he took a sip of his coffee. "I'm in rehab for my drinking problem and it's been going great. Technically my three month program ends next month but I'm planning on staying another month."


"Dr. Oaklen says a four month program seems to be the extra seal for people. I don't want these months to be in vain if I get fully released and I drink again." He said, giving me a quick look before dropping his glance down to his coffee.

"Yeah, you don't want to waste all this time if you are going to drink again." Although I doubt he'll go back to his own ways. His eyes didn't mark the old him anymore, the Sebastian in front of me was here to stay.

"Can I ask you something?" I spoke out, breaking the short silence.


"Do you feel weird seeing me again? After the last time?" I wanted to know if it was me who was feeling strange, maybe he was over and done with the last episode. While here I am still bothered for the way he had acted.

He licked his lips, shifting in his seat he said, "I don't feel weird seeing you again. It's nice to see you, it's been a long time since my mind been cleared and I was able to look at you and not see double." He half-smiled. " About last time, I don't feel proud of what I did. I would never put my hands on you." He apologized, still unable to look straight at me.

"I'm sorry for hitting you." He looked up chuckling quietly. "It's probably your hit that made me see how bad my drinking had gotten. I was consumed by my own guilt and anger, I took it out on you. I was an idiot."

Sebastian had apologize to me various times throughout the years, yet it never sounded as sincere as in this moment. My heart didn't question his apology because it Sebastian had the opportunity to change the past—he would.

A part of me wanted to reach over him and give him a hug. I missed his embrace and his warmth on me. It was this man who I had fallen in love years ago. It had taken me this long to notice the man sleeping next to me for the last year wasn't my Sebastian. He had shut himself off and let his demons consumed him.

"It's okay."

"Hey there you two are." I heard Tony behind me. "Delilah and Esther want to know if you two want to go the hot spring lake. The nanny is picking up Camila  from restaurant, so Helen and Candace will be on their way."

I turn to look at him. "Good morning to you too." I chuckled. "Are Sophia and you heading out already?"

"Yeah. She needs to make a stop before."

"You can ride with me Adalyn, if you like" Sebastian quickly said.

Tony raised a brow, examining my face expression. I didn't want to be rude, he was being kind with me. I needed to do the same. We weren't staring at each other as exes but friends. Friends ride in the same car together.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, plus I think there's only Esther car left." He said.

"Okay, I'll go with Sebastian." I smiled at Tony.
"Okay, I'll see you guys there then." And he left the kitchen.

I turned to look at Sebastian who was finishing his coffee. "Did you know about the lake?"

He shook his head. "No, you'd think Delilah would be trying to get last minute things together for tomorrow."

"She planned it all out, she wanted to have time to spend with everyone." I informed him.

"That's nice of her." He responded. "Are you ready to go or are you going to change?"

Tony wasn't helpful with his invitation, were they planning on swimming? Or were we going for the view. The hot spring lake is warm water and the cold is the perfect time to dip in, yet I have a feeling no one will be getting in.

"I'm ready, I don't think they'll be getting in right?" I asked confused.
He shrugged. " I doubt it. I don't think anyone wants to get sick before tomorrow."

"Right, let me grab my bag and we can head out"

"Adalyn." He called out before I had a chance to leave the kitchen.


"I'm happy to see you." He grinned.

"Me too."

Addie and Bash finally together in a room. ;)

Any ideas of what is gonna happen?!!

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