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Daily Gossip Video
Can we talk about the events that transpired last night charity event hosted by Santiago De Los Lagos? We have all well-known chairman's and upper class couples showing up to the event. Rumors had gone around Adalyn Haynes, formally known as Queen Adalyn of Spain, to be showing up to the event. Of course like myself, I expected her to show up solo, you know cause she's an independent woman and needs no man. But, she sure made head turns when she showed up to the charity event with a new love prosper maybe? It was obvious sparks were flying between the two with how touchy they were. We have the photos of them almost kissing and ended up touching foreheads! How sweet is that! I didn't expect for Adalyn to move on so quickly but girl you do you!

To make the situation even more interesting and dramatic as fuck, Sebastian Cortez, formally the ex-husband of Adalyn and Spain's heartthrob showed up the charity event with his...mistress? New Lover? Girlfriend? I mean what is she to him? Like it matter anyway, the plot thickens and we live for the drama between these two royals! Adalyn made her public interview shading out Sebastian until now he hasn't shot back, but does he really need to? He moved on way before anyone knew they weren't together.

Sources tell us last night Sebastian and Adalyn had a bit of a miscommunication and it ended up with Adalyn smacking the shit of her once Prince Charming. You'd think shit would hit the fan but it didn't, Adalyn as classy as she is, went back inside and enjoyed the rest of the event. Look, I'm not on anyone side. Sebastian is a major hottie with major issues and Adalyn is a girl who is trying to liberate herself from her old life. Maybe she isn't doing it in the best forms, but she's trying. #istandwithqueenadalyn but I also #standwithKingSebastian

It's clear these two old lovers love each other and are having the most difficult time settling their differences. Or I might be wrong and their love is totally gone and this is the beginning to the downhill of their lost love. Who knows. All I'm curious about right now is who is this new guy Adalyn is seeing and where did she find him?

I stared at Sophia as she finished watching the video on her phone. She sheepishly places down the phone, giving me a sly smile. For some reason she was interested in hearing about what everyone had to say about last night. She was there to witness everything first hand. Unfortunately, i hate the part where one of the guest recorded our little incident and you can clearly see when I smack the living out of Sebastian.

I didn't respond to Emily and the entire day she has been blasting my phone about Mateo and what the media was saying. Like I said, this time I wasn't going to see what they were buzzing about. So, I'm getting a third party version of what's going on. My Twitter has been blowing up for the past hour with people asking about Mateo and my little interaction with Sebastian.

I'm two seconds away from deleting all my social media's and dropping my phone in a glass of water. It's the only solution I have to getting rid of people communicating about my personal life. What I can't see won't hurt me, right?

Sophia opened her mouth to say something when my phone went off and Delilah was trying to face time me. I walked out of the kitchen and answered the call.

I wasn't even able to say hello, when she bombed me with questions about the pictures and video.

"Calm down!" I shouted, causing her to become silent.

"Did you call to get the scoop about last night? He's just a friend and Sebastian and I got into a little argument but it's all fine."

"But, who is this guy? Why do you two look like a couple?" She flooded me again with questions.

I rolled my eyes. "He is a guy I met at a bar, his name is Mateo, and we aren't a couple. I asked him to accompany me to the event and he agreed. I don't know why people make a big deal about it, when it's not even a problem." I answered, keeping my lips in a straight line. She hasn't talked to me all this week and she calls me to only see who this guy is.

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