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Sebastian gave me a meaningful look as I grabbed my satchel from the back of the door. Ian has been a surprise for Sebastian and I, it's still hard to wrap around the idea he has a son now. I realized no matter how hurt I am he has a son, it is something he can't change. I can't be angry with him for his careless ways when we were in high school. Sebastian isn't the guy he was back then, he is a man, and like any man, he'll face the consequences of his actions.

Most of all, I was going with him to the hospital because I wanted us to be okay. I don't want to keep bashing him about Ian or Libby. Not so I want to keep finding him crying alone in his office. I'm his wife and I promised to be by his side through good or bad. I can't take back my promise. With agreeing to go to the hospital with him Sebastian relaxed a lot more now. His face has more color to it and he seems a bit more relax.

"Let's go," I told him as I walked out the room. He slides his fingers from my arm until grabbing my hand and stopping me. "You okay?" I asked turning back around.

He nodded. "Thank you. I know this-" I pressed my finger on his lips.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for throwing everything at your face. I know Ian came to you as a surprise and he's taken a toll on you. You were right about a lot of things. You tried reasoning with me and tried to make me understand the situation but I didn't want to. I don't hate you. I hold this resentment towards the both of us when it comes to the child we lost. I blame myself all the time about it but you're right. What happened to our baby was out of our control. I see that now. Facing this new obstacle is difficult but I don't want to keep running away from you. I'm not that Adalyn anymore. So forgive me please for how I have reacted these last few days."

"It doesn't matter anymore all that matters is that we are in this together." He responded with a small smile. I placed my hand on his cheek and smiled back.

"I love you."

"And I love you."

Sebastian trying to get through this a day at a time but one thing the palace has taught me since I came here is, we can't take things one step at a time. While Sebastian is trying to sort out things with Libby, I have to think about what can happen if this links to the media. Or if The Royal Council finds out about it. We already had a dilemma with our people when they found out about Sebastian's and I arranged marriage. If they find out he had a son before we were wed and kept it a secret, we will lose all their trust. Our monarchy will fall and I can't have that happening.

We have worked so hard to be the best rules for Spain and Sebastian is finally fulfilling his dream. I can't imagine how he would feel like if he got disposed of his crown. There's so much at same with this secret and I can't help but wonder why it has to be us who fix all of this when it was Sebastian parents who kept Ian a secret.

"I had Ian transferred to a private ward in the hospital. That way people won't spot us when we go and see him." Sebastian snapped me out of my thoughts. One minute I was in the car and the next I was in an elevator.
Sebastian caught on to my slight departure from reality and repeated himself. "I can have Ashley make disclosure agreements with the staff if this gets-"

"Already taken care of. Officer Ron came by yesterday and made it clear to the staff if this got out to the media serious consequences would occur."

"We should have your parents come to Spain and explain all of this. You deserve to hear why this hid this from you."

Sebastian squeezed my hand. "I'll handle all of this, plus my parents. I just need to know you're one hundred percent on my team."

Whose other team is there? I turned my back on him for a few days but I was perplexed about the entire situation. Even if there was a different team I wouldn't go against Sebastian. Coming here today with him to the hospital was my way of showing him I'm on his side. From this point on whatever happens we get through it together.

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