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Today felt different, since the moment I woke up my stomach was tied into a knot. I thought I was feeling nervous because of how messed up my schedule was going to be this week. And the more I thought about it the more I realized I had moved meetings before and my schedule wasn't affected by missing a day. So there was something up and I couldn't put my finger on it. Yet there are days when your body seems to be jumpy for no reason. The lack of sleep is getting to me.

"You sure you don't want some warm tea? Maybe it'll help you feel better." I heard Ashley say. I pick my head up from the counter. Gilbert and her were looking at me worriedly. I groaned. I get they're worried about me but tea won't fix the uneasy feeling I have going inside of me.

"I'm okay." I whispered placing my head back on the counter. The cold surface hitting the side of my face was refreshing. It helped me think clearly.

"How about I make you some vanilla bean green tea frappé? You like that a lot." Gilbert offered. If I don't agree don't drink something they'll continue to pester me about it.

"Okay..." I whispered.

Ashley had brought up the thought maybe I was pregnant since nausea was associated with pregnancy, but I had a feeling that wasn't the case. I'm anxious and I don't know why.

All of a sudden a door slammed loudly from across the hallway near Sebastian's office. I picked up my head to look at Ashley, Sebastian wasn't suppose to be coming back from the hospital until later on tonight. Santiago and Zander were out for the day at some meetings. So who in the hell was in the palace?

I jumped off the stool and left the kitchen towards where the loud bang came from. Outside of Sebastian office stood Officer Ron who kept banging on his door pleading for him to open up. What was going on? From the other side of the door Sebastian was yelling furiously at someone.

"What's going on?" I demanded. Officer Ron stepped back putting his down, afraid to tell me what is happening. "Officer Ron-"

"How dare you hide this from me!" Sebastian low growl caught me off from asking Officer Ron what was happening. "This was something you had no fucking right hiding fro me!" Who was he fighting with?

I pounded on the door asking him to open up. He was starting to scare me, whatever secret was hidden away from him was serious. I hadn't seen him this angry in a very long time.

"Sebastian!" I was about to pound on the door again when he swung the door open and walked out. He ignored me and walked back down the hall; his hands were bawled into a fist and he was breathing heavily.

"Sebastian, where are you going?" I ran after him.

"Sebastian!" This time he turned around and yelled, "What!"

I stopped on my tracks almost sliding on the floor with my heels. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair, he loosen the tie around his neck. "I have to go."

"Where?" I asked keeping my distance from him.

"It's hard to explain what is going on but when I return I'll explain everything to you. Right now, I need to return back to the hospital, okay."

"Okay." I watched him turn back around and leave out the front door, Officer Ron following behind him.

Ashley and Gilbert stood by the entrance of the kitchen staring at me. I turned around and quickly went into his office. What made him so upset? Who was he speaking too? I pressed down on the caller i.d. on the phone and the number traced back to Rachel. When I glanced down on his desk there was a copy of a birth certificate.

Ian Cortez

Born: Feburary 17, 2012

Time: 3:22a.m.

Location: Hospital Sanitas La Zarzuela

Mother: Libby Montez Father:Sebastian Cortez

(Signed off: Rachel Cortez & Carlos Cortez)

I read the birth certificate over and over again trying to comprehend what was going on. I slammed the paper on the desk making a run out the office towards the bathroom, tucking my inside the toilet I hurled. My head was pounding and the room began to go in circles. My head kept replaying in my head the birth certificate. Libby...Sebastian Cortez...Ian Cortez. He has a son, Sebastian has a son. He's a father.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Ashley voice sounded far away. I hardly heard what she was saying to me. I sat down on the floor grasping tightly onto my head. I want the spinning to stop. Why won't it stop! Ashley grouched down grabbing me by my shoulders she shook me.

"Adalyn! Look at me." I wanted to react to her words, but in the moment, something in my brain unplugged. My brain couldn't put one and two together. I knew what I had read, yet I didn't want accept it. I was hoping I read wrong, my mind could have been playing dirty tricks on me. That wasn't the case though, Sebastian was furious with Rachel and of course now I know the reason as to why.

"Talk to me!" Ashley began to panic.

Santiago showed up out of nowhere and grouched down beside Ashley. He grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. "Hey, you need to talk you're scaring us. Are you ill? Do I need to take you to the hospital?" He still sounded so far away.

The anxiousness kicked in again and pushed them aside I put my head back in the toilet. My body and mind refused to comprehend the reality of things, Sebastian had a son he didn't tell me about, he probably didn't know. And how he found out was another question.

I should be going after him to ask him what was going on, how did he found out about his lost son, but you know when you find out something so shocking you're entire self-being aches? My heart throbbed in a way I thought could never happen again.

"Okay, I'm taking you to the hospital." Santiago said.

Calm down Adalyn! Calm the fuck down! You need to react, it's shocking news but you're a fucking Queen. You need to have your shit together. In my mind I went back to the beginning of my experience here in the palace when I would throw up every time something bad happened. That girl hadn't stepped foot in my body in a long time. I forgot how to compose myself back into the Queen. The old Adalyn had taken back her rightful place and I was hopeless.

I sat down leaning on the bathtub this time. I brought my knees against my chest, panting heavily. Slowly my eyes teared up and before I knew it tears were rolling down my face.

"Let's take you to the hospital, you don't look well." Santiago insisted.

"He has a son." I chocked out.

And in a time like this I needed to be with him looking for answers but all I could think was: he cheated. 

I couldn't help myself wasn't going to upload until Thursday but I finished the chapter and I am anxious to hear your guys reactions! Told you it was going to get better. 

The Tattooed Prince 2Where stories live. Discover now