Chapter 1

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Hermione's POV

I sneaked out of the common room quietly. It was already after 12 PM and I was late. "Damn it!", I squeaked when I hit the corner of the table with my thigh. While ignoring the thumping pain in my leg, I hurried to get to the attic. I can't handle not seeing him again! We decided that if one of us doesn't appear until ten past midnight, that means we got caught trying to sneak away. I lookes at my watch. 12:09 pm. As quiet as I could possibly be, I ran upstairs the last staircase and opened the door to the attic. Hopefully my look went through the room, searching for him. But the only thing I saw was an empty room. Desperately I stared at my watch again, where in this second the number ten switched to eleven. Disappointed I wanted to turn and leave, when suddenly two big rough hands closed my eyes from behind.

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