Chapter 43

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Draco's POV

At some point, we would have to leave this classroom. Although I wished we'd be able to, we couldn't just stay in here forever. I didn't want to stop this moment and I hadn't even thought about what we should tell the people, especially Ron. I mean, not that I really bothered what he would think of all that but I know that Hermione would feel bad about him after all. Although he was the one who was lying with me, not her. Additionally, I remembered a few seconds ago that, though I would love skipping classes further on, I at least needed to go to my potions class to take the test that Professor Snape announced last week. It was bloody important that I got an excellent grade in that class, if I wanted to continue next year. 
"Hermione?", I asked her quietly while she rested at my side, eyes closed. 
"Do you think we should get out of here?" "Do you want to hear the truth or not?"I laughed: "Whatever you would like to tell me!" She smiled and said sighing: "I think we should but I really don't want to! I want to stay here forever!" 
"I feel the same way, but I'm afraid, I really need to take that one potions test that Professor Snape talked about last week. And I thought you might want to go talk to Weasley?", I suggested.
She looked at me and made a grumpy noise that I could not identify. I laughed quietly and then said: "I can totally understand if you don't want to talk to him but I think... I think you should, considering that otherwise you'd feel bad." She sighed. "I know that I have to, that's not the problem. My problem is leaving you and having to fear that something happens because of which we then breakup again. I couldn't handle that.", she revealed and crawled up next to me even more. I couldn't handle seeing her like that. "That will not ever happen, I promise!", I quickly said and gave her a kiss on her forehead. She looked at me as if trying to find out if I was telling the truth. Then she started to smile. "Okay, let's go then!", she exclaimed and pulled me on my feet. I took her hand and we went outside, leaving the intimacy of this classroom. When we arrived outside the door she turned around and kissed me. "How do I deserve that?", I asked her grinning. "Well, it's pretty simple actually: I love you!" And with that she turned around and started walking away.

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