Chapter 4

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Draco's POV

I can't believe I left her. Just like that. But it was for the best. At least that's what I've been telling myself all night long. It's almost morning already and I couldn't sleep much longer than twenty minutes. Despite all that what was happening last night I got out of bed and got dressed. I have no idea on how I'm supposed to make it through the day with knowing that I can't meet her tonight, but I have to. When I finished, I took my portions book and went into the common room. Two hours left until breakfast but at least now I could finish my homework. When I opened the book some small piece of paper fell out of it. It was folded twice and there was nothing on it but a small drawn half moon. I sighed, crunched it up and threw it into the fire. I couldn't stand to be reminded of Hermione right now and the half moon was our sign. The first time we met, we were sitting on the roof and could perfectly see the half moon. Since then we were together. Until now. I mean what was I even thinking? How could I have ever thought that a "we" could actually work out? That is ridiculous! I should forget about her immediately because that is not only the best for her but also good for me? What did I think? What would have happened if anybody found out about my relationship with the Gryffindor- Nerd? Unimaginable.
When the others asked me to go to breakfast together a little later, I started the day as if nothing was wrong and I didn't think of Hermione the rest of the day.

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