Chapter 25

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Hermione's POV

I started to cry. Hadn't I been with him to stop crying? And now... Draco would have never hit me or hurt me in any other way. I wish he would be here. I was still standing where Ron slapped me, frozen, I couldn't move. Ron yelled at me again: "Leave! Now!" He lifted his arm again and I tried to cover my face with my arms. But nothing happened. I looked through my arms and... saw Draco! All of the sudden he was there, keeping Ron from hitting me again by holding his arms in place. But how did he find us? That didn't matter now, because Draco looked angry. Very angry. "Don't you dare to ever touch her again! Are you crazy?! What has gotten into you?! Hitting a girl?! You idiot, don't you have any kind of respect for woman? Or humanity?!" Draco shouted at him. But instead of looking rueful, Ron just looked mad at Draco: "That's not of your business. It's not like Hermione's your girlfriend or anything...", he said with a mean smile. Draco frowned, but said: "Even though, that doesn't mean you can just go around and hurt girls! That's babaric and YOU. DON'T. SEEM. TO. GET. IT!" "AND YOU DON'T SEEM TO GET THAT THAT'S NOT OF YOUR BUSINESS!", Ron yelled back. "IT IS AND IT SHOULD BE ANYBODY'S BUSINESS! IF YOU NEED TO GET RID OF YOUR ANGER, HIT ME!", Draco shouted. He wasn't going to let that happen, was he? He couldn't do that! And Ron couldn't just hit him like that, right? I was wrong, because with a cracking noise, Ron's fist met Draco's nose. "NO!", I screamed. Draco just stood there while blood was running out of his nose, letting it happen. When Ron got ready for his second punch, I ran to them. "Hermione, GET. AWAY.", Draco yelled. "No, I cant let him do that to you!" ,I answered. "Ron, stop it!", I yelled at him. But when he started anyways, I jumped in front of Draco to protect him. I wouldn't let him get hurt anymore. When Ron hit me, everything went black.

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