Chapter 38

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Hermione's POV

I was dragged into the nearest room which was empty by Draco pulling me at my wrist. When we stopped, we we're just staring at each other.
"So, what do you want?", I asked, harsher than I ment to do. I wasn't mad at him or anything but confused that he refused talking to me for so long and now seems as it's the most important thing in the world. I couldn't handle his mood swings. He just kept staring at me like I was a muggle that just did magic.
"Um...?", I coughed questioning. Oh, no that sounded so mean again! Why can't I just act normal around him? I can, obviously, with everybody else...
Finally it seemed as if Draco was awakened because he quickly shook his head and then said: "Well, I was wondering... If I could talk with you about something? Like, actually it's pretty important... Somehow... Well, for me at least..."
What was he talking about? I felt as confused as I did after the accident. "What do you mean? I mean, yes, sure you can..."
"Alright. Then... I don't quite know how to start..."
"Just say it already!", I interrupted him annoyed. "I need to know what is going on here! Tell me, Draco. What. Is going. On?!" I tried to calm my anger, but it didn't work. If he won't spit it out right now, I can't guarantee...
"Do you remember the accident you had?", he asked and therefore stopped me from exploding.
"Of course I do!", I said.
"Well, that's the point. It wasn't an accident."
What?, I thought.
"What?", I said.
"Draco. Tell me what happened right now or you will regret it!" All of the sudden all of my rage came back and from the look on his face I could tell that Draco noticed. "Um, maybe this wasn't a good, idea... You know what? Never mind!", he said and was about to leave when it was my turn to pull his wrist. The only problem was, that he was way taller than me and therefore also stronger. But I couldn't let him leave like that. "The truth. NOW!", I said to him the most serious I could be.

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