Chapter 12

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Hermione's POV

At least that's what I thought until I heard someone giggle behind me and felt something cold and wet running down my back. I shrieked together and turned around. Tiffany, the most popular girl of Slytherin, smiled acting all regretfully. Slowly, she took the now empty milk packaging and put it into her bag, still grinning full of glee. "Oh, did I spill something on your tiny slutty back? Oh, I am so so sorry!", she said sarcastically fluttering her eyelashes. I was speechless. What had I done to her? I haven't even spoken her before. "Oh, in case you're wondering...", she said as if she had heard my thoughts: "That was for Draco. He's mine!" This second the bell rang and with that she took her back, turned and left. And I, I was about to cry. I felt horrible and that even though the day started that good. I tried to pull myself together and went to the next class. At the door Draco was waiting for me and as soon as he saw my facial expression, he looked angry and worried at the same time. "What happened? What did they do to you? Tell me, Hermione, who should I punch in the face?", he asked furious and caring at the same time. I gave him a sad smile. "It's alright, Draco. Some people just seem to not like us two together, but it's fine, they'll get over it. I bet next lessen we are forgotten about because of the latest news.", I responded trying to calm him. "But I need to change now, so I'll see you in Defence against the Dark Arts later?", I added giving him a quick his on the cheek and making my way to the girl's room. "Okay, see you there, take care of you. I love you!", he shouted after I had already turned around the next corner.

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