Chapter 45

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Draco's POV

The potions quiz was killing me. Not only because I didn't know what to do at all (which could literally kill me at some point) but also because my thoughts always drifted to Hermione and what she was doing in this very second. Well, I knew what she planned to do- talking with Ron- but who knows what really happened? She might has been eaten by a giant snake or any other weird creature living in Hogwarts. Or she stumbled and fell down one of the stairs and broke her neck! Or, speaking of stairs, she might as well had accidentally taken the wrong staircase and was now horribly lost and starving already! And what if she actually made it to the Gryffindor common room to see Ron and their talk went this good that they made up and were now hooking up in some dark corner!
Okay, I seriously needed to stop right there. I'm probably just overreacting a bit. Or more. She's most likely to successfully speak with Ron about all of this and afterwards go to the library to keep up with her studies.
A cough got me back to reality and I realised that I had just done about two thirds of the quiz and hadn't even started brewing yet. I quickly glanced to my right, where Goyle was almost finished. I knew he had a lot of mistakes in it but I would have to start making the potion now to be done on time. After the end of the class I basically threw my paper at Snape and ran out, trying to get to the library as fast as possible. When I turned around the next corner, I got pushed into the next room. Confused, I looked at my attacker. That was impossible. It couldn't be the real... "Potter!", I spit his name out like some acid burning my mouth. What did he want?
"What are you doing to Hermione?", he asked furiously. "I heard somewhere that you two were a thing but-" He laughed. "That can't be true"
Oh, right, he had just heard the 'latest' news., I thought ironically.
"Oh, and why is that?", I asked him couriously. All of the sudden he pushed me into the wall, his arm pressing my throat.

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