Chapter 24

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Draco's POV

I've been waiting and watching them for over an hour now. Why do they seem to be so happy? Maybe Hermione was right, and they work out better than we did. But I couldn't let that happen. Not today. Who am I kidding, not ever! I turned around to not have to look at them anymore. And stepped onto a tree branch. "Damn it!", I whispered and looked up at them through all the trees that I was hiding behind. Hermione had turned around to check on the noise I made, but she couldn't see me. When she turned back her face was only centimeters away from Ron's. WHEN DID HE GET SO CLOSE?! And does he- HE DID NOT JUST COME EVEN CLOSER, DID HE? I was going to run out of my hiding place, when she pushed him away. I went a little closer to them, to hear what they were saying. "Ron... No, stop! I can't... I can't do that just yet.", Hermione said with sad eyes. "But, I thought...", Ron started: "I thought we had something. All the time we did spend together lately... I thought you liked me the way I like you!" "No, I mean, I like you, but not in that way. Draco, I..." Ron interrupted her: "Draco?! In case you didn't notice by now: I am Ron. Ronald Weasley, the one who cheered you up after you broke up with Malfoy!" "I know but don't call him that...", Hermione said quietly. "What am I supposed to call him than?! Seriously, Hermione, you need to sort out your priorities! Now, go, I need to think about this. Alone." "But Ron, I..." "Go!", Weasley yelled and pushed Hermione away. I couldn't stand it anymore and ran out up on the hill, right to where Ron was standing. How could he dare to push her like that?!

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