Chapter 10

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Draco's POV

I rushed into the Slytherin common room, hoping for Crabbe and Goyle to be still awake. I really needed to talk to them. Every single student of my house thought that Hermione was the most disgusting girl to me at all. And tomorrow I wanted to show everybody in Hogwarts that she is my beautiful and smart girlfriend and this needed at least some preparations. When I got into the boys dormitory, I was confused because it was completely empty. Then I heard noises from the other side of the floor. It sounded like a fight. I really hoped that it didn't include either one of both because I'd need them at full consciousness. When I got closer to the crowd the people automatically formed an alley to let me through. If tomorrow only could be that easy. But my decision was steady, I was ready to let the world know about us. Now I was close enough to see Darwin and Fullot punching each other and I noticed Crabbe and Goyle at the other side. I made a hissy noise to get their attention and without further recognition of the other Slytherins we made our way back to the dormitory. "I need to talk to you two", I started. "What's the matter Draco? Wait- Did you bring the promised cake?", Crabbe asked. Ugh. That's going to be more difficult than I thought. "Crabbe, Goyle! Shut up and listen, it's important!", I tried again. "Okay, okay...", Goyle said. I tried to reorganize my thoughts and whispered: "Do you remember what I told you about Hermione Granger?" "Well yes, you wouldn't stop complaining about her!" "Ehh, yes... Anyways, that was a lie. And that's why I will need your help tomorrow..."

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